Transliteration as per Modified Harvard-Kyoto (HK) Convention
(including Telugu letters – Short e, Short o) -
a A i I u U
e E ai o O au M (H or :)
(e – short E – Long o – short O – Long)
k kh g gh n/G
c ch j jh n/J (jn – as in jnAna)
T Th D Dh N
t th d dh n
p ph b bh m
y r l L v
S sh s h
ramA ramaNa bhAramA-vasantabhairavi
In the kRti ‘ramA ramaNa bhAramA’ – rAga vasantabhairavi (tALa Adi), SrI tyAgarAja pleads with the Lord to protect him.
ramA ramaNa bhAramA nannu brOva SrI-kara
1pumAnuD(a)ni kAd(a)ni nAtO
telpumA nar(O)ttama samAna rahita (ramA)
caraNam 1
sari nIk(e)varu dorakar(a)ni 2garvamu
adiyu gAka dharalO janulu 3marmam-
(e)rigi nammukona lEr(a)NTi 4dharm(A)di
mOksha varamul(o)sangi bhakta
varula kAcina 5kIrti viNTi mari mari
nann(i)ndarilO 6ceyi paTTi brOva
SaraNu jocciti(n)ayya dari nIv-
(a)nukonnAnu caraNamE gati(y)aNTi (ramA)
caraNam 2
7smaraNa telisi(y)ElE paramAtmuDu
nIvE(y)annAnu pAmarulatO
sari pOyin(a)TulE nI 8gOcaramula nE
palkukonnAnu nA mATal(e)lla
karuNatO nijamu sEya varadA
daNDamul(i)DinAnu SrI rAma rAma
parama pAvana nAma 9Saraja lOcana nann-
(A)daraNa jEyuTak(i)nta karuvaina vidham(E)mi (ramA)
caraNam 3
vyAjamulaku nEnu rA jAlan(a)NTEnu
gOpAla gati lEka nItO
nA jAli telupa pOtE 10lAjamulu
vEgagan(E)la SrI rAma rAma
11AjAnu-bAha rAja rAja
sakala lOka pAla vinu bhakta tyAga-
rAjuni(y)iNTa nIvu rAjillinAvu ganuka
nI japamunu nIdu pUjala viDuva jAla (ramA)
- O Beloved of lakshmI! O Lord who causes prosperity!
- O Best of men! O Peerless Lord!
- O bestower of boons! O Lord SrI rAma! O Lord whose name is supremely hallowed! O Lotus Eyed!
- O Lord gOpAla! O Lord SrI rAma! O Lord whose hands reach up to the knees! O King of Kings! O Protector of all Worlds!
- Is protecting me a burden?
- Please tell me whether You are a man or not.
- I pride that none can be found equal to You; further,
- I heard about your fame of protecting great devotees by conferring on them such boons –
- which are otherwise attainable only as a result of purushArtha – dharma, artha, kAma and mOksha,
- which people in the Earth would not believe excepting by knowing the secret of Your true nature and/or SaraNagati.
- which are otherwise attainable only as a result of purushArtha – dharma, artha, kAma and mOksha,
- Therefore, again and again, I sought Your refuge to protect me by holding my hand in the midst of these people;
- I am convinced that You are my shelter;
- I seek Your feet only as my refuge.
- From the day I cognized myself, I said that You the governing Supreme Lord;
- I have been speaking about Your perceptibility like ignorant people;
- I prostrated before You, to realise all my words graciously.
- How is it that You have became so scarce in showing regard for me?
- Even though I won’t believe Your pretexts, if I tell You about my grief, because there is no other recourse, why do You get enraged?
- Please listen; You are effulgent in the home of this tyAgarAja - Your devotee; therefore,
- I shall not abandon chanting of Your names and Your worship.
- I pride that none can be found equal to You; further,
- Is protecting me a burden?
Word-by-word Meaning
ramA ramaNa bhAramA nannu brOva SrI-kara
O Beloved (ramaNa) of lakshmI (ramA)! Is protecting (brOva) me (nannu) a burden (bhAramA), O Lord who causes (kara) prosperity (SrI)?
pumAnuDu-ani kAdu-ani nAtO
telpumA nara-uttama samAna rahita (ramA)
Please tell (telpumA) me (nAtO) whether (ani) You are a man (pumAnuDu) (pumAnuDani) or not (kAdu ani) (kAdani), O Best (uttama) of men (nara) (narOttama)! O Peerless (samAna rahita) Lord!
O Beloved of lakshmI! Is protecting me a burden, O Lord who causes prosperity?
caraNam 1
sari nIku-evaru dorakaru-ani garvamu
adiyu gAka dharalO janulu marmamu-
erigi nammukona lEru-aNTi harma-Adi
mOksha varamulu-osangi bhakta
varula kAcina kIrti viNTi mari mari
nannu-indarilO eyi paTTi brOva
SaraNu joccitini-ayya dari nIvu-
anukonnAnu caraNamE gati-aNTi (ramA)
I pride (garvamu) that (ani) none can be found (evaru dorakaru) (dorakarani) equal (sari) to You (nIku) (nIkevaru); further (adiyu gAka),
I heard (viNTi) about your fame (kIrti) of protecting (kAcina) great (varula) devotees (bhakta) by conferring (osangi) on them such (aNTi) boons (varamulu) (varamulosangi) –
which are otherwise attainable only as a result of objects of human pursuit – purushArtha – righteous conduct (dharma) etc., (Adi) (dharmAdi) (dharma, artha, kAma) and emancipation (mOksha),
which people (janulu) in the Earth (dharalO) would not (lEru) (lEraNTi) believe (nammukona) (excepting by) knowing (erigi) the secret (marmamu) (marmamerigi) (of Your true nature and/or SaraNagati);
O Lord (ayya)! Therefore, again and again (mari mari), I sought (joccitini) (joccitinayya) Your refuge (SaraNu) to protect (brOva) me (nannu) by holding (paTTi) my hand (cEyi) in the midst of these people (indarilO) (nannindarilO);
I am convinced (anukonnAnu) that You (nIvu) (nIvanukonnAnu) are my shelter (dari); I seek (aNTi) (literally say) Your feet only (caraNamE) as my refuge (gati) (gatiyaNTi);
O Beloved of lakshmI! Is protecting me a burden, O Lord who causes prosperity?
caraNam 2
smaraNa telisi-ElE paramAtmuDu
nIvE-annAnu pAmarulatO
sari pOyina-aTulE nI gOcaramula nE
palkukonnAnu nA mATalu-ella
karuNatO nijamu sEya varadA
daNDamulu-iDinAnu SrI rAma rAma
parama pAvana nAma Saraja lOcana nannu-
AdaraNa jEyuTaku-inta karuvaina vidhamu-Emi (ramA)
From the day I cognized myself (smaraNa telisi), I said (annAnu) that You (nIvE) (nIvEyannAnu) are the governing (ElE) (telisiyElE) Supreme Lord (paramAtmuDu);
I (nE) have been speaking (palkukonnAnu) about Your (nI) perceptibility (gOcaramula) (literally range) like (sari pOyina aTulE) (pOyinaTulE) (literally be equal to) ignorant people (pAmarulatO);
I prostrated (daNDamulu iDinAnu) (daNDamuliDinAnu) before You, O bestower of boons (varadA)! to realise (nijamu sEya) all (ella) my (nA) words (mATalu) graciously (karuNatO).
O Lord SrI rAma! O Lord rAma! O Lord whose name (nAma) is supremely (parama) hallowed (pAvana)! O Lotus (Saraja) Eyed (lOcana)!
How is it (vidhamu Emi) (vidhamEmi) that You have became so (inta) scarce (karuvaina) in showing (jEyuTaku) (jEyuTakinta) regard (AdaraNa) for me (nannu) (nannAdaraNa)?
O Beloved of lakshmI! Is protecting me a burden, O Lord who causes prosperity?
caraNam 3
vyAjamulaku nEnu rA jAlanu-aNTEnu
gOpAla gati lEka nItO
nA jAli telupa pOtE lAjamulu
vEgaganu-Ela SrI rAma rAma
AjAnu-bAha rAja rAja
sakala lOka pAla vinu bhakta tyAga-
rAjuni-iNTa nIvu rAjillinAvu ganuka
nI japamunu nIdu pUjala viDuva jAla (ramA)
Even though (aNTEnu) I (nEnu) won’t believe (rA jAlanu) (literally will not come) (jAlanaNTEnu) Your pretexts (vyAjamulaku),
O Lord gOpAla! if I tell (telupa pOtE) You (nItO) about my (nA) grief (jAli), because there is no (lEka) other recourse (gati), why (Ela) do You get enraged (lAjamulu vEgaganu) (vEgaganEla)?
O Lord SrI rAma! O Lord rAma! O Lord whose hands (bAha) reach up to the knees (AjAnu)! O King (rAja) of Kings (rAja)! O Protector (pAla) of all (sakala) Worlds (lOka)!
Please listen (vinu); You (nIvu) are effulgent (rAjillinAvu) in the home (iNTa) of this tyAgarAja (tyAgarajuni) (tyAgarAjuniyiNTa) - Your devotee (bhakta); therefore (ganuka), I shall not (jAla) abandon (viDuva) chanting (japamunu) of Your (nI) names and Your (nIdu) worship (pUjala);
O Beloved of lakshmI! Is protecting me a burden, O Lord who causes prosperity?
Notes –
Variations –
3 - nammukona lEraNTi – nammukO lEraNTi.
5 – kIrti viNTi mari mari – kIrti mari mari. Without the word ‘viNTi’, the sentence is incomplete.
9 – Saraja lOcana – sarasija lOcana.
References -
1 – pumAnuDani – Are You man? sItA advanced the same argument to make SrI rAma relent to allow her to accompany the Lord to the forest. The following verse in SrImad-vAlmIki rAmayaNa, ayOdhya kANDa, Chapter 30 is relevant –
sItA asks -
kiM tvAmanyata vaidEhaH pitA mE mithilAdhipaH
rAma jAmAtaraM prApya striyaM purusha-vigrahaM (3)
“Securing you as his son-in-law, did my father, Janaka, the King of Mithila, recognize you to be woman in the form of a man?”
4 – dharmAdi – righteous conduct (dharma), pursuit of wealth (artha), pursuit of desire (kAma) and final emancipation (mOksha) – these are called purushArtha – the objects of human pursuit. It is generally believed that emancipation is attainable only through pursuit of these methods.
11 - AjAnu bAhu – A regal person. One of the 32 sAmudrikA lakshaNa for a superior man.
Comments -
2 – garvamu – proud - In some books, this has been attributed to the Lord. As given in other books and as per my opinion, this refers to the pride of SrI tyAgarAja in his ishTa dEvata – SrI rAma.
3 – marmamu – this may either refer to true nature of the Lord (paramAtma incarnated to protect pious people) or to SaraNagati or both.
3 –marmamerigi nammukona lEraNTi varamulosangi – The episodes of redemption of ahalyA, conferring of emancipation on jaTAyu, the vulture and also on Sabari are considered as exceptional grace of Lord SrI rAmA which could not be explained by way of SAstrAs; such grace which confers emancipation to those who were otherwise not qualified from the normal stand-point of purushArtha, is what SrI tyAgarAja calls ‘unbelievable’. Only those who know the secret of (marmamerigi) of true nature of the Lord and/or SaraNagati, would understand these acts of exceptional grace.
Even SrI rAma denies existence of any such special powers with him – please refer to SrImad-vAlmIki rAmAyaNa, yuddha kANDa, Chapter 117 - 'sItA's fire ordeal' –
AtmAnaM mAnushaM manyE rAmaM daSarathAtmajam
sO(a)haM yaSca yataScAhaM bhagavAMstad bravItu mE 11
"I account myself a human being, Rama (by name), sprung from the loins of (Emperor) Dasartha. And (yet) let the glorious lord (Brahma) tell me that which I as such (really) am and whence I have come."
6 – ceyi paTTi – holding hand – this generally means 'marriage'. This kRti is in nAyikA bhAva. This is further substantiated by the anupallavi wherein SrI tyAgarAja reiterates the words of sItA.
7 – smaraNa telisi – cognition of one’s life (memory) seems to start from around the age of four. This seems to be the implication of these words. Unless this is an exaggeration, this would be what SrI tyAgarAja calls ‘sahaja bhakti’ – devotion co-born – in the kRti ‘svara rAga sudhA’.
8 – gOcaramula nE palkukonnAnu – The Lord is beyond the reach of senses, mind and intellect – He being the substratum of all; this has been aptly described by SrI tyAgarAja in the kRti ‘vAcAmagOcaramE’. However, in this kRti, SrI tyAgarAja says that he has been speaking of the Lord, like ignorant people (pAmarulu), as if He is perceivable by senses, mind and intellect (gOcaramulu); but prays that his words be proved true – that the Lord may actually manifest (in a perceptible form). Probably this is what described by SrI tyAgarAja in the ‘mOhanaM’ rAga kRtis – ‘nannu pAlimpa’ and ‘bhava nuta’ wherein he describes about the physical appearance of the Lord along with sItA and AnjanEya.
10 - lAjamulu vEgaganEla – this is a phrase used to indicate rage – In tamizh it is called ‘eLLuM koLLuM veDikka’ – like grain or pulses (dry sesame, horse-gram etc) placed on a hot fry-pan, burst forth. This is compared to the countenance of an individual who feels enraged. SrI tyAgarAja uses the term ‘lAjamulu’ which means rice grain. The same is applicable to soaked paddy put on fry-pan as also pop-corn.
ऎ,कॆ,चॆ.. - e,ke,ce..(short);
ए,के,चे.. - E,kE,cE..(long);
ऐ,कै,चै.. - ai,kai,cai..;
ऒ,कॊ,चॊ.. - o,ko,co..(short);
ओ,को,चो.. - O,kO,cO..(long);
औ,कौ,चौ.. -au,kau,cau..;
प. रमा रमण भारमा नन्नु ब्रोव श्री-कर
अ. पुमानु(ड)नि का(द)नि नातो
तॆल्पुमा न(रो)त्तम समान रहित (र)
च1. सरि नी(कॆ)वरु दॊरक(र)नि गर्वमु
अदियु गाक धरलो जनुलु मर्म-
(मॆ)रिगि नम्मुकॊन ले(र)ण्टि ध(र्मा)दि
मोक्ष वरमु(लॊ)संगि भक्त
वरुल काचिन कीर्ति विण्टि मरि मरि
न(न्नि)न्दरिलो चॆयि पट्टि ब्रोव
शरणु जॊच्चिति(न)य्य दरि
नी(व)नुकॊन्नानु चरणमे गति(य)ण्टि (र)
च2. स्मरण तॆलिसि(ये)ले परमात्मुडु
नीवे(य)न्नानु पामरुलतो
सरि पोयि(न)टुले नी गोचरमुल ने
पल्कुकॊन्नानु ना माट(लॆ)ल्ल
करुणतो निजमु सेय वरदा
दण्डमु(लि)डिनानु श्री राम राम
परम पावन नाम शरज लोचन
न(न्ना)दरण जेयुट(कि)न्त करुवैन विध(मे)मि (र)
च3. व्याजमुलकु नेनु रा जाल(न)ण्टेनु
गोपाल गति लेक नीतो
ना जालि तॆलुप पोते लाजमुलु
वेगग(ने)ल श्री राम राम
आ-जानु बाह राज राज
सकल लोक पाल विनु भक्त त्याग-
राजुनि(यि)ण्ट नीवु राजिल्लिनावु गनुक
नी जपमुनु नीदु पूजल विडुव जाल (र)
க,ச,ட,த,ப - 2-ख छ ठ थ फ; 3-ग ड द ब; 4-घ झ ढ ध भ
(ச3 - ஜ)
ஸ1 श - शिव - சிவன்
ரு2 ऋ - कृप - கிருபை
ப. ரமா ரமண பா4ரமா நன்னு ப்3ரோவ ஸ்ரீ-கர
அ. புமானு(ட3)னி கா(த3)னி நாதோ
தெல்புமா ந(ரோ)த்தம ஸமான ரஹித (ர)
ச1. ஸரி நீ(கெ)வரு தொ3ரக(ர)னி க3ர்வமு
அதி3யு கா3க த4ரலோ ஜனுலு மர்ம-
(மெ)ரிகி3 நம்முகொன லே(ர)ண்டி த4(ர்மா)தி3
மோக்ஷ வரமு(லொ)ஸங்கி3 ப4க்த
வருல காசின கீர்தி விண்டி மரி மரி
நன்(னி)ந்த3ரிலோ செயி பட்டி ப்3ரோவ
ஸ1ரணு ஜொச்சிதி(ன)ய்ய த3ரி
நீ(வ)னுகொன்னானு சரணமே க3தி(ய)ண்டி (ர)
ச2. ஸ்மரண தெலிஸி(யே)லே பரமாத்முடு3
நீவே(ய)ன்னானு பாமருலதோ
ஸரி போயி(ன)டுலே நீ கோ3சரமுல நே
பல்குகொன்னானு நா மாட(லெ)ல்ல
கருணதோ நிஜமு ஸேய வரதா3
த3ண்ட3மு(லி)டி3னானு ஸ்ரீ ராம ராம
பரம பாவன நாம ஸ1ரஜ லோசன
நன்(னா)த3ரண ஜேயுட(கி)ந்த கருவைன வித4(மே)மி (ர)
ச3. வ்யாஜமுலகு நேனு ரா ஜால(ன)ண்டேனு
கோ3பால க3தி லேக நீதோ
நா ஜாலி தெலுப போதே லாஜமுலு
வேக3க3(னே)ல ஸ்ரீ ராம ராம
ஆ-ஜானு பா3ஹ ராஜ ராஜ
ஸகல லோக பால வினு ப4க்த த்யாக3-
ராஜுனி(யி)ண்ட நீவு ராஜில்லினாவு க3னுக
நீ ஜபமுனு நீது3 பூஜல விடு3வ ஜால (ர)
மா மணாளா! சுமையோ, என்னைக் காக்க, சீரருள்வோனே?
(நீ) ஆண்மகனோ அல்லவோயென எனக்குத்
தெரிவியுமைய்யா, மனிதரில் உத்தமனே! நிகரற்றோனே!
மா மணாளா! சுமையோ, என்னைக் காக்க, சீரருள்வோனே?
1. ஈடுனக்கு எவரும் அகப்படாரெனப் பெருமிதம் (எனக்கு);
அஃதன்றி, புவியில் மனிதர்கள் (உனது) மருமம்
அறிந்து, நம்பமுடியாத அத்தகைய, அறம் முதலான
வீடெனும் வரங்களையளித்து, அடியாரிற்
சிறந்தோரைக் காத்த புகழ் கேட்டேன்; மீண்டும் மீண்டும்
என்னை இவ்வனைவரிலும் கைப் பற்றிக் காக்க
சரணம் அடைந்தேனய்யா! நீழல் நீ
எனக் கருதினேன்! உனது திருவடியே கதியென்றேன்!
மா மணாளா! சுமையோ, என்னைக் காக்க, சீரருள்வோனே?
2. நினைவு தெரிந்து, (என்னை) ஆளும் பரம்பொருள்
நீயேயென்றேன்! பாமரர்களுடன்
சரி போனது போன்றே, உனது புலப்பாட்டினை நான்
சொல்லிக்கொண்டேன்! எனது சொற்களையெல்லாம்,
கருணையுடன் மெய்ப்பிக்க, வரதா!
(உன்னைத்) தெண்டனிட்டேன்! இராமா! இராமா!
முற்றிலும் தூயப் பெயரோனே! கமலக்கண்ணா!
என்னை மதிப்பதற்கு இத்துணை அரிதான விதமென்ன?
மா மணாளா! சுமையோ, என்னைக் காக்க, சீரருள்வோனே?
3. சாக்குப் போக்குக்கு நான் ஒப்பமாட்டேன், ஆயினும்,
கோபாலா! போக்கின்றி, உன்னிடம்
எனது துயரைத் தெரிவிக்கப் போனால், எள்ளும்
கொள்ளும் வெடிப்பதேன்? இராமா! இராமா!
முழந்தாள் நீளக்கைகளோனே! அரசர்க்கரசே!
அனைத்துலகங்களையும் காப்போனே! கேளாய்! அடியேன்,
தியாகராசன் இல்லத்தினில் நீ திகழ்கின்றனை; எனவே
உனது ஜபத்தையும், உனது வழிபாட்டினையும் விட மாட்டேன்!
மா மணாளா! சுமையோ, என்னைக் காக்க, சீரருள்வோனே?
அறம் முதலான - அறம், பொருள், இன்பம், வீடு
பாமரர் - அறிவீனர்
புலப்பாடு - புலன்களால் அறியப்படுதல்
ప. రమా రమణ భారమా నన్ను బ్రోవ శ్రీ-కర
అ. పుమానుడని కాదని నాతో
తెల్పుమా నరోత్తమ సమాన రహిత (ర)
చ1. సరి నీకెవరు దొరకరని గర్వము
అదియు గాక ధరలో జనులు మర్మ-
మెరిగి నమ్ముకొన లేరంటి ధర్మాది
మోక్ష వరములొసంగి భక్త
వరుల కాచిన కీర్తి వింటి మరి మరి
నన్నిందరిలో చెయి పట్టి బ్రోవ
శరణు జొచ్చితినయ్య దరి
నీవనుకొన్నాను చరణమే గతియంటి (ర)
చ2. స్మరణ తెలిసియేలే పరమాత్ముడు
నీవేయన్నాను పామరులతో
సరి పోయినటులే నీ గోచరముల నే
పల్కుకొన్నాను నా మాటలెల్ల
కరుణతో నిజము సేయ వరదా
దండములిడినాను శ్రీ రామ రామ
పరమ పావన నామ శరజ లోచన
నన్నాదరణ జేయుటకింత కరువైన విధమేమి (ర)
చ3. వ్యాజములకు నేను రా జాలనంటేను
గోపాల గతి లేక నీతో
నా జాలి తెలుప పోతే లాజములు
వేగగనేల శ్రీ రామ రామ
ఆ-జాను బాహ రాజ రాజ
సకల లోక పాల విను భక్త త్యాగ-
రాజునియింట నీవు రాజిల్లినావు గనుక
నీ జపమును నీదు పూజల విడువ జాల (ర)
ಪ. ರಮಾ ರಮಣ ಭಾರಮಾ ನನ್ನು ಬ್ರೋವ ಶ್ರೀ-ಕರ
ಅ. ಪುಮಾನುಡನಿ ಕಾದನಿ ನಾತೋ
ತೆಲ್ಪುಮಾ ನರೋತ್ತಮ ಸಮಾನ ರಹಿತ (ರ)
ಚ1. ಸರಿ ನೀಕೆವರು ದೊರಕರನಿ ಗರ್ವಮು
ಅದಿಯು ಗಾಕ ಧರಲೋ ಜನುಲು ಮರ್ಮ-
ಮೆರಿಗಿ ನಮ್ಮುಕೊನ ಲೇರಂಟಿ ಧರ್ಮಾದಿ
ಮೋಕ್ಷ ವರಮುಲೊಸಂಗಿ ಭಕ್ತ
ವರುಲ ಕಾಚಿನ ಕೀರ್ತಿ ವಿಂಟಿ ಮರಿ ಮರಿ
ನನ್ನಿಂದರಿಲೋ ಚೆಯಿ ಪಟ್ಟಿ ಬ್ರೋವ
ಶರಣು ಜೊಚ್ಚಿತಿನಯ್ಯ ದರಿ
ನೀವನುಕೊನ್ನಾನು ಚರಣಮೇ ಗತಿಯಂಟಿ (ರ)
ಚ2. ಸ್ಮರಣ ತೆಲಿಸಿಯೇಲೇ ಪರಮಾತ್ಮುಡು
ನೀವೇಯನ್ನಾನು ಪಾಮರುಲತೋ
ಸರಿ ಪೋಯಿನಟುಲೇ ನೀ ಗೋಚರಮುಲ ನೇ
ಪಲ್ಕುಕೊನ್ನಾನು ನಾ ಮಾಟಲೆಲ್ಲ
ಕರುಣತೋ ನಿಜಮು ಸೇಯ ವರದಾ
ದಂಡಮುಲಿಡಿನಾನು ಶ್ರೀ ರಾಮ ರಾಮ
ಪರಮ ಪಾವನ ನಾಮ ಶರಜ ಲೋಚನ
ನನ್ನಾದರಣ ಜೇಯುಟಕಿಂತ ಕರುವೈನ ವಿಧಮೇಮಿ (ರ)
ಚ3. ವ್ಯಾಜಮುಲಕು ನೇನು ರಾ ಜಾಲನಂಟೇನು
ಗೋಪಾಲ ಗತಿ ಲೇಕ ನೀತೋ
ನಾ ಜಾಲಿ ತೆಲುಪ ಪೋತೇ ಲಾಜಮುಲು
ವೇಗಗನೇಲ ಶ್ರೀ ರಾಮ ರಾಮ
ಆ-ಜಾನು ಬಾಹ ರಾಜ ರಾಜ
ಸಕಲ ಲೋಕ ಪಾಲ ವಿನು ಭಕ್ತ ತ್ಯಾಗ-
ರಾಜುನಿಯಿಂಟ ನೀವು ರಾಜಿಲ್ಲಿನಾವು ಗನುಕ
ನೀ ಜಪಮುನು ನೀದು ಪೂಜಲ ವಿಡುವ ಜಾಲ (ರ)
പ. രമാ രമണ ഭാരമാ നന്നു ബ്രോവ ശ്രീ-കര
അ. പുമാനുഡനി കാദനി നാതോ
തെല്പുമാ നരോത്തമ സമാന രഹിത (ര)
ച1. സരി നീകെവരു ദൊരകരനി ഗര്വമു
അദിയു ഗാക ധരലോ ജനുലു മര്മ-
മെരിഗി നമ്മുകൊന ലേരണ്ടി ധര്മാദി
മോക്ഷ വരമുലൊസങ്ഗി ഭക്ത
വരുല കാചിന കീര്തി വിണ്ടി മരി മരി
നന്നിന്ദരിലോ ചെയി പട്ടി ബ്രോവ
ശരണു ജൊച്ചിതിനയ്യ ദരി
നീവനുകൊന്നാനു ചരണമേ ഗതിയണ്ടി (ര)
ച2. സ്മരണ തെലിസിയേലേ പരമാത്മുഡു
നീവേയന്നാനു പാമരുലതോ
സരി പോയിനടുലേ നീ ഗോചരമുല നേ
പല്കുകൊന്നാനു നാ മാടലെല്ല
കരുണതോ നിജമു സേയ വരദാ
ദണ്ഡമുലിഡിനാനു ശ്രീ രാമ രാമ
പരമ പാവന നാമ ശരജ ലോചന
നന്നാദരണ ജേയുടകിന്ത കരുവൈന വിധമേമി (ര)
ച3. വ്യാജമുലകു നേനു രാ ജാലനണ്ടേനു
ഗോപാല ഗതി ലേക നീതോ
നാ ജാലി തെലുപ പോതേ ലാജമുലു
വേഗഗനേല ശ്രീ രാമ രാമ
ആ-ജാനു ബാഹ രാജ രാജ
സകല ലോക പാല വിനു ഭക്ത ത്യാഗ-
രാജുനിയിണ്ട നീവു രാജില്ലിനാവു ഗനുക
നീ ജപമുനു നീദു പൂജല വിഡുവ ജാല (ര)
Updated on 19 Nov 2010
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