Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thyagaraja Kriti - Sangeeta Jnaanamu - Raga Dhanyaasi

Transliteration as per Modified Harvard-Kyoto (HK) Convention
(including Telugu letters – Short e, Short o) -

a A i I u U
e E ai o O au M (H or :)

(e – short E – Long o – short O – Long)

k kh g gh n/G
c ch j jh n/J (jn – as in jnAna)
T Th D Dh N
t th d dh n
p ph b bh m
y r l L v
S sh s h

sangIta jnAnamu-dhanyAsi

In the kRti ‘sangIta jnAnamu bhakti vinA’ – rAga dhanyAsi (tALa Adi) SrI tyAgarAja states that mere knowledge of sangIta without bhakti will not take him on the right path of God realization.

sangIta jnAnamu bhakti vinA
san-mArgamu kaladE manasA

1bhRngi naT(E)Sa samIraja ghaTaja
matanga nArad(A)dul(2u)pAsincE (sangIta)

nyAy(A)nyAyamu 3telusunu jagamulu
4mAyAmayam(a)ni 3telusunu durguNa
kAyaj(A)di shaD-ripula 4jayincu
kAryamu 3telusunu 4tyAgarAjuniki (sangIta)


O My Mind!

  • Mere knowledge of music bereft of devotion will not lead to the right path (of God realization).

  • Music is worshipped by bhRngi (a devotee of Siva), Lord naTarAja, AnjanEya, sage agastya, matanga, nArada and others. Therefore, mere knowledge of music bereft of bhakti will not lead to the right path (of God realization).

  • Knowledge of music together with bhakti will lead to the right path (of God realization) through which -
    • what is right and what is not (right) can be known;
    • the truth that this universe is of the nature of illusion can be known;
    • the method of gaining victory over evil-some six (internal) enemies - kAma etc. (kAma, krOdha, lObha, mOha, mada and mAtsarya) can be known.

  • To this tyAgarAja, mere knowledge of music bereft of bhakti will not lead to the right path (of God realization).


  • To this tyAgarAja –
    • what is right and what is not (right) is known;
    • the truth that this universe is of the nature of illusion is known;
    • the method of gaining victory over evil-some six (internal) enemies - kAma etc. (kAma, krOdha, lObha, mOha, mada and mAtsarya) is known.

  • Mere knowledge of music bereft of devotion will not lead to the right path (of God realization).

Word-by-word Meaning

sangIta jnAnamu bhakti vinA
san-mArgamu kaladE manasA

O My Mind (manasA)! Mere knowledge (jAnamu) of music (sangIta) bereft of (vinA) devotion (bhakti) will not lead (kaladE) to the right path (of God realization) (san-mArgamu).

bhRngi naTESa samIraja ghaTaja
matanga nArada-Adulu-upAsincE (sangIta)

O My Mind! Mere knowledge of music –
worshipped (upAsincE) by bhRngi (a devotee of Siva), Lord naTarAja - Lord (ISa) of Dance (naTa) (naTESa), AnjanEya – son of Wind God (samIraja), sage agastya – born of pitcher (ghaTaja), matanga, nArada and others (Adulu) (nAradAdulupAsincE),
bereft of bhakti will not lead to the right path (of God realization).

nyAya-anyAyamu telusunu jagamulu
mAyAmayamu-ani telusunu durguNa
kAyaja-Adi shaD-ripula jayincu
kAryamu telusunu tyAgarAjuniki (sangIta)

Knowledge of music together with bhakti will lead to the right path of (God realization) through which -
what is right (nyAya) and what is not (right) (anyAyamu) (nyAyAnyAyamu) can be known (telusunu);
the truth that (ani) this universe (jagamulu) is of the nature (mayamu) of illusion (mAyA) (mAyAmayamani) can be known (telusunu);
the method (kAryamu) of gaining victory (jayincu) over evil-some (durguNa) six (shaD) (internal) enemies (ripula) - kAma (kAyaja) etc. (Adi) (kAyajAdi) (kAma, krOdha, lObha, mOha, mada and mAtsarya) can be known (telusunu);
O My Mind! To this tyAgarAja (tyAgarAjuniki) mere knowledge of music bereft of bhakti will not lead to the right path (of God realization).


To this tyAgarAja (tyAgarAjuniki) –
what is right (nyAya) and what is not (right) (anyAyamu) (nyAyAnyAyamu) is known (telusunu);
the truth that (ani) this universe (jagamulu) is of the nature (mayamu) of illusion (mAyA) (mAyAmayamani) is known (telusunu);
the method (kAryamu) of gaining victory (jayincu) over evil-some (durguNa) six (shaD) (internal) enemies (ripula) - kAma (kAyaja) etc. (Adi) (kAyajAdi) (kAma, krOdha, lObha, mOha, mada and mAtsarya) is known (telusunu);
O My Mind! Mere knowledge of music bereft of devotion will not lead to the right path (of God realization).

Notes –
Variations -
2 – upAsincE – upAsincu.

4 – mAyAmayamani – jayincu – tyAgarAjuniki : mAyAmayanE – jayincE – tyAgarAjunikE.

References -
1 - bhRngi – To know more details about the sage bhRngi-1 and bhRngi-2

1 – matanga – mInAkshi (pArvatI at madurai) is known as mAtangi – daughter of sage matanga. In kALidAsa’s SyAmaLA daNDaka, dEvi is called daughter of matanga (mAtanga kanyA). There is a mention of sage matanga in vAlmIki rAmAyaNa who cursed vAli.

matanga – (10th century) author of treatise on music - ‘bRhaddeSi’

1 –bhRngi, samIraja, ghaTaja, matanga – reference to - sages bhRngi, agastya, matanga and AnjanEya on music (Tamil website)

matanga -
கந்த னால்வகைப் பால மூலிதப்
பிரபந்தங் கள்தன் பெயராற் செய்து
வாயு மதங்கற் குபதே சித்தனன்
அவனனு மற்குமீ ரொன்பா னாகும்
சித்தர் தமக்குஞ் செப்பினன் றானே. ....44

AnjanEya -
அனுமன் விவாதிகள் கருவ மடங்க
அசல முருகக் குண்டகக் கிரியாவெனும்
இராகம் பாடி யடக்கி மேலும்
சன்னிய ராக மாறாயிரஞ் சமைத்ததற்
கனும கடக மெனும்பெய ரணிந்தனன். ....45

bhRngi -
நந்தி நாட்டிய நிருத்திய நிருத்தம்
ஒரோ வொன்றையு மிருவகை யுஞற்றி
அவற்றையுங் கஞ்சக் கருவி யாதிய
வாத்திய விலக்கணம் பிருங்கி முனிவர்
உருத்திர கணிகைய ரவர்சுதர்க் குரைத்தனர். ....55

agastya -
அகத்திய னவயவ பேதநா லேழனுள்
ஒரோ வொன்றை யிரண்டின் டுஞற்றி
அவற்றை நான்கொடு நந்நான் காக்கிச்
சிவன்சிவை முறையே வொருமையைத் தெரிந்து
ராச சேகர வழுதிக் கிசைத்தனன். ....56

Comments -
3 – telusunu - In all the books the word ‘telusunu’ has been taken to refer to tyAgarAja - ‘tyAgarAja knows’ (what is right and what is not, the truth that the universe is illusion and method of being victorious over six enemies). This does not seem to be message of the kRti. In my opinion, since the kRti is addressed to his mind, it seems that SrI tyAgarAja asserts that he should practice music with devotion so that all these above (what is right and what is not etc) could be realised. However, both versions are given.


ऎ,कॆ,चॆ.. - e,ke,ce..(short);
ए,के,चे.. - E,kE,cE..(long);
ऐ,कै,चै.. - ai,kai,cai..;
ऒ,कॊ,चॊ.. - o,ko,co..(short);
ओ,को,चो.. - O,kO,cO..(long);
औ,कौ,चौ.. -au,kau,cau..;

प. संगीत ज्ञानमु भक्ति विना
सन्मार्गमु कलदे मनसा

अ. भृंगि न(टे)श समीरज घटज
मतंग नार(दा)दु(लु)पासिञ्चे (सं)

च. न्या(या)न्यायमु तॆलुसुनु जगमुलु
मायामय(म)नि तॆलुसुनु दुर्गुण
काय(जा)दि ष(ड्रि)पुल जयिञ्चु
कार्यमु तॆलुसुनु त्यागराजुनिकि (सं)


க,ச,ட,த,ப - 2-ख छ ठ थ फ; 3-ग ड द ब; 4-घ झ ढ ध भ
(ச3 - ஜ)
ஸ1 श - शिव - சிவன்
ரு2 ऋ - कृप - கிருபை

ப. ஸங்கீ3த ஞானமு ப4க்தி வினா
ஸன்-மார்க3மு கலதே3 மனஸா

அ. ப்4ரு2ங்கி3 ந(டே)ஸ1 ஸமீரஜ க4டஜ
மதங்க3 நார(தா3)து3(லு)பாஸிஞ்சே (ஸ)

ச. ந்யா(யா)ந்யாயமு தெலுஸுனு ஜக3முலு
மாயாமய(ம)னி தெலுஸுனு து3ர்கு3ண
காய(ஜா)தி3 ஷட்3-ரிபுல ஜயிஞ்சு
கார்யமு தெலுஸுனு த்யாக3ராஜுனிகி (ஸ)

இசையறிவு, பக்தியின்றி,
நன்னெறி சேர்க்காதே, மனமே!

பிருங்கி முனி, நடேசன், வாயு மைந்தன், குடமுனி,
மதங்கர், நாரதர் ஆகியோர் வழிபடும்
இசையின் அறிவு, பக்தியின்றி,
நன்னெறி சேர்க்காதே, மனமே!

நியாயம் அந்நியாயம் தெரியும், உலகங்கள்
மாயை மயமெனத் தெரியும், தீய குண
காமம் முதலான ஆறு (உட்)பகைவரை வெல்லும்
வகை தெரியும் தியாகராசனுக்கு
இசையறிவு, பக்தியின்றி,
நன்னெறி சேர்க்காதே, மனமே!

பிருங்கி முனி - சிவனடியார் - வண்டாக மாறி சிவனை வழிபட்டவர்
நடேசன் - சிவன்
வாயு மைந்தன் - அனுமன்
குடமுனி - அகத்தியர்
மாயைமயம் - தோன்றி மறையும் தன்மை
ஆறு உட்பகைவர் - இச்சை, கோபம், பேராசை, ஈயாமை, செருக்கு, காழ்ப்பு
தெரியும் - தியாகராசனுக்கு இவை தெரியும் என்றோ (அல்லது,) பக்தியுடன் கூடிய
இசையறிவினால் இவை ஒருவனுக்குத் தெரியவரும் என்றோ பொருள் கொள்ளலாம்.
பிற்கூறிய முறையில், 'தியாகராசனுக்கு' என்பது பல்லவியுடன் இணைக்கப்படும்.


ప. సంగీత జ్ఞానము భక్తి వినా
సన్మార్గము కలదే మనసా

అ. భృంగి నటేశ సమీరజ ఘటజ
మతంగ నారదాదులుపాసించే (సం)

చ. న్యాయాన్యాయము తెలుసును జగములు
మాయామయమని తెలుసును దుర్గుణ
కాయజాది షడ్రిపుల జయించు
కార్యము తెలుసును త్యాగరాజునికి (సం)


ಪ. ಸಂಗೀತ ಜ್ಞಾನಮು ಭಕ್ತಿ ವಿನಾ
ಸನ್ಮಾರ್ಗಮು ಕಲದೇ ಮನಸಾ

ಅ. ಭೃಂಗಿ ನಟೇಶ ಸಮೀರಜ ಘಟಜ
ಮತಂಗ ನಾರದಾದುಲುಪಾಸಿಂಚೇ (ಸಂ)

ಚ. ನ್ಯಾಯಾನ್ಯಾಯಮು ತೆಲುಸುನು ಜಗಮುಲು
ಮಾಯಾಮಯಮನಿ ತೆಲುಸುನು ದುರ್ಗುಣ
ಕಾಯಜಾದಿ ಷಡ್ರಿಪುಲ ಜಯಿಂಚು
ಕಾರ್ಯಮು ತೆಲುಸುನು ತ್ಯಾಗರಾಜುನಿಕಿ (ಸಂ)


പ. സങ്ഗീത ജ്ഞാനമു ഭക്തി വിനാ
സന്മാര്ഗമു കലദേ മനസാ

അ. ഭൃങ്ഗി നടേശ സമീരജ ഘടജ
മതങ്ഗ നാരദാദുലുപാസിഞ്ചേ (സം)

ച. ന്യായാന്യായമു തെലുസുനു ജഗമുലു
മായാമയമനി തെലുസുനു ദുര്ഗുണ
കായജാദി ഷഡ്രിപുല ജയിഞ്ചു
കാര്യമു തെലുസുനു ത്യാഗരാജുനികി (സം)

Updated on 23 Oct 2010


  1. Comments by Sri Ramakrishna Subrahmanya Prasad (posted elsewhere by mistake)

    Sri V.Govindan,
    In the kriti Sangeeta Jnaanamu - Raga Dhanyaasi,the correct interpretation of pallavi may be "Is there any good path other than sangita jnana and bhakti".This was more illustrated by anupallavi,in which tyagaraja says shiva,anjaneya etc practice this sangitam with bhakti.

  2. Sri Prasad,

    That is an interesting way of interpreting pallavi - taking sangIta and jnAna as two different streams. bhakti, by itself, can lead one to 'san-mArga'. But mere knowlege of sangIta does not have the capability of leading one to 'san-mArga' unless it is done as 'upAsana'. This is what Sri tyAgarAja amplifies in anupallavi. It is actually 'sangIta upAsana' which leads to san-mArga and not mere 'sangIta'. Please kindly refer to kRti 'nAdOpAsanacE' wherein, Sri tyAgarAja states 'nAdOpAsanacE Sankara nArAyaNa vidhulu velasiri'.

    If what you say is correct, then all the musicians who sing in kutcheries should qualfiy for what Sri tyAgarAja states in caraNa - they would know nyAya - anyAyA etc.
    Unfortunately, it is not true.

    Therefore, I am of the opinion that sangIta without bhakti will not lead to san-mArga.

    V Govindan

  3. Dear Sri Govindan
    I have gone through with interest the exchange between Sri Ramakrishna Subrahmanya Prasad and yourself. I am reproducing the explanation of Sri Kalluri Sri Satya Rama Prasad in his book.

    " O Mind! Is there any good path other than knowledge of music coupled with devotion ?

    It is the path reverentially followed by great men (all musical scholars) like bhringi, naTESa, aanjanEya, agastya and others.

    The difference between right and wrong, the fact that this world is covered/enveloped by illusion and also the method of winning the six enemies – all are known to tyaagaraaja."

    The caraNa part of this song is on knowledge (jnaana), whereas the pallavi & anupallavi deal with bhakti. It is needless to say once again that they are one and the same!

    Other interpretation for the pallavi of this song is " Knowledge of music without devotion is not a proper path".

    An interesting episode which brings out the scholarship of aanjanEya in music is as follows :

    naarada and tumburu were vying with each other for No. 1 position and asked aanjanEya to be the referee. After listening to the music of both, aanjanEya said he too was inspired to sing. During the course of his singing, the rocks on which the sages were sitting melted and by the time the song ended, the rocks solidified, trapping those two!
    Does anupallavi give scope to presume that the upAsana of sangIta by bhRngi etc was without bhakti

  4. Dear Sri Govindaswamy,

    Regarding anupallavi. The personages mentioned therein are all musically oriented. The word 'upAsana' means 'devotion'. In regard to bhRngi, I have quoted a website in my notes. bhRngi - Celestial musician.

    Therefore, bhRngi performing sangIta upAsana without bhakti is a contradiction in terms.

    V Govindan
