Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thyagaraja Kriti - Perugu Paalu - Raga Ghantaa, Nauka Charitram

Transliteration as per Modified Harvard-Kyoto (HK) Convention
(including Telugu letters – Short e, Short o) -

a A i I u U
e E ai o O au M (H or :)

(e – short E – Long o – short O – Long)

k kh g gh n/G
c ch j jh n/J (jn – as in jnAna)
T Th D Dh N
t th d dh n
p ph b bh m
y r l L v
S sh s h

perugu pAlu-ghaNTA

In the kRti ‘pErugu pAlu’ – rAga ghaNTA (tALa Adi), SrI tyAgarAja depicts how the gOpis curse their fate.

perugu pAlu bhujiyinci 1tanuvula

niravadhi sukha dAyaka mA vayasu
nITanu 3kalayuT(a)ndukA (perugu)

caraNam 1
atta mAmalatO nIkai mEm(e)dur-
4satta kaligi(y)ikanainA(y)undum(a)ni
santasillinad(i)ndukA (perugu)

caraNam 2
Asa tIra nI sEva valayun(a)ni
bAsi(y)uNDa nEraka peddalacE
bAmula jendinad(i)ndukA (perugu)

caraNam 3
snAna pAnamulu sEyu vELa ninu
dhyAnamu jEsinad(i)ndukA
6mEnula nI sommulu sEyuTakai
mEm(a)llADinad(i)ndukA (perugu)

caraNam 4
taliru bONulai yamunA nadilO
valacucu 8toli janmamu rAmunicE
varamulu paDasinad(i)ndukA (perugu)

caraNam 5
kOTi janmamulu tapamulu jEsi
sATi lEni nI 9lIlalu manasuna
sairinci(y)unnad(i)ndukA (perugu)

caraNam 6
Agama nigama purANa cAruD(a)ni
10tyAgarAja nuta tAraka nAma nI
tatvamu telisinad(i)ndukA (perugu)


O Lord who bestows uninterrupted bliss or comfort! O Lord whose name ferries across the Ocean of Worldly Existence - praised by this tyAgarAja!

  • Is it all for this purpose that we reared our bodies by feeding nice food?

  • Is it for the purpose of dissolving our lives in the water that we reared our bodies by feeding nice food?

  • Is it all for this purpose –
    • that we opposed our in laws for Your sake?
    • that we felt happy that at least from now onwards we would remain attaining excellence?

    • that we searched so that Your service would be possible to our hearts’ content?
    • that we underwent harassment in the hands of elders because we could not remain separated from You?

    • that we meditated on You even at the time of bathing and eating etc.,?
    • that we struggled for surrendering our bodies as Your property?

    • that we are (now) struggling in the yamunA river, being delicate women?
    • that we fondly secured boons from Lord SrI rAma in our previous birth?

    • that we sought (this birth) by performing penances through millions of births?
    • that we are mentally putting up with all Your unparalleled pranks?

    • that we adhered to Your path that You are the indweller of Agamas, vEdas and epics?
    • that we realised Your true nature?

  • Is it all for this purpose that we reared our bodies by feeding nice food?

Word-by-word Meaning

perugu pAlu bhujiyinci tanuvula

Is it all (ella) for this purpose (indukA) that we reared (pencinadi) (pencinadellanindukA) our bodies (tanuvula) by feeding (bhujiyinci) nice food (perugu pAlu) (literally curd and milk)?

niravadhi sukha dAyaka mA vayasu
nITanu kalayuTa-andukA (perugu)

O Lord who bestows (dAyaka) uninterrupted (niravadhi) bliss or comfort (sukha)!
Is it for the purpose (andukA) of dissolving (kalayuTaku) (kalayuTandukA) our (mA) lives (vayasu) (literally age) in the water (nITanu) that we reared our bodies by feeding nice food?

caraNam 1
atta mAmalatO nIkai mEmu-eduru-
satta kaligi-ikanainA-undumu-ani
santasillinadi-indukA (perugu)

Is it all (ella) for this purpose (indukA) that we (mEmu) opposed (eduru ADinadi) (mEmedurADinadellayindukA) our in laws - aunt (atta) and uncle (mAma) (mAmalatO) for Your sake (nIkai)?
is it for this purpose (indukA) that we felt happy (santasillinadi) (santasillinadindukA) that (ani) at least from now onwards (ikanainA) we would remain (undumu) attaining (kaligi) (kaligiyikanainAyundumani) excellence (satta)?

caraNam 2
Asa tIra nI sEva valayunu-ani
bAsi-uNDa nEraka peddalacE
bAmula jendinadi-indukA (perugu)

Is it all (ella) for this purpose (indukA) that (ani) we searched (arasinadi) (arasinadellanindukA) so that Your (nI) service (sEva) would be possible (valayunu) (valayunani) to our hearts’ content (Asa tIra)?
Is it for this purpose (indukA) that we underwent (jendinadi) (jendinadindukA) harassment (bAmula) in the hands of elders (peddalacE) because we could not (nEraka) remain (uNDa) separated (bAsi) (bAsiyuNDa) from You?

caraNam 3
snAna pAnamulu sEyu vELa ninu
dhyAnamu jEsinadi-indukA
mEnula nI sommulu sEyuTakai
mEmu-allADinadi-indukA (perugu)

Is it for this purpose (indukA) that we meditated (dhyAnamu jEsinadi) (jEsinadindukA) on You (ninu) even at the time (vELa) of bathing (snAna sEyu) and eating etc., (pAnamulu sEyu) (literally drinking)?
Is it for this purpose (indukA) that we (mEmu) struggled (allADinadi) (literally wander about) (mEmallADinadindukA) for surrendering (sEyuTakai) (literally make) our bodies (mEnula) as Your (nI) property (sommulu)?

caraNam 4
taliru bONulai yamunA nadilO
valacucu toli janmamu rAmunicE
varamulu paDasinadi-indukA (perugu)

Is it for the purpose (andukA) that we are (now) struggling (tallaDillEdi) (tallaDillEdindukA) in the yamunA river (nadilO), being delicate (taliru) women (bONulai)?
Is it for this purpose (indukA) that we fondly (valacucu) secured (paDasinadi) (paDasinadindukA) boons (varamulu) from Lord SrI rAma (rAmunicE) in our previous (toli) birth (janmamu)?

caraNam 5
kOTi janmamulu tapamulu jEsi
sATi lEni nI lIlalu manasuna
sairinci-unnadi-indukA (perugu)

Is it all (ella) for this purpose (indukA) that we sought (kOrinadi) (kOrinadellanindukA) (this birth) by performing (jEsi) penances (tapamulu) through millions (kOTi) (literally a crore) of births (janmamulu)?
Is it for this purpose (indukA) that we are mentally (mansuna) putting up with (sairinci unnadi) (sairinciyunnadindukA) all Your (nI) unparalleled (sATi lEni) pranks (lIlalu)?

caraNam 6
Agama nigama purANa cAruDu-ani
tyAgarAja nuta tAraka nAma nI
tatvamu telisinadi-indukA (perugu)

Is it for this purpose (indukA) that we adhered (anusarincinadi) (anusarincinadindukA) to Your path that (ani) You are the indweller (cAruDu) (cAruDani) of Agamas, vEdas (nigama) and epics (purANa)?
O Lord whose name (nAma) ferries across (tAraka) the Ocean of Worldly Existence - praised (nuta) by this tyAgarAja! I it for this purpose (indukA) that we realised (telisinadi) (telisinadindukA) Your (nI) true nature (tatvamu)?
Is it all for this purpose that we reared our bodies by feeding nice food?

Notes –
1 – tanuvula – tanuvunu.

In some books Anupallavi is included as part of Pallavi.

3 – kalayuTandukA – kalipETandukA.

5 – arasinadi – alasinadi.

6 - mEnula nI sommulu – mEnu nI sommu.

7 – tallaDillEdindukA – tallaDilluTandukA.

10 – tyAgarAja nuta – tyAgarAja sannuta.

8 – toli janmamu rAmunicE varamulu paDasinadi – Please refer to the story about Rshis of daNDakAraNya being born as gOpis. But there is no such reference in vAlmIki rAmAyaNa. In the kRti ‘muddu mOmu’ – rAga sUryakAntaM, SrI tyAgarAja states –

muddu mOmu ElAgu celangenO
munuleTla kani mOhincirO

kaddanucunu cira kAlamu hRdayamu
karagi karagi nilcu vArikeduTa rAmuni (muddu)

“I wonder how did the charming face of Lord rAma appear to those who waited for Him for a long time melting in their hearts with the conviction about His impending arrival and how the ascetics became entranced by beholding the face of the Lord!

"In a story often cited, 60,000 sages wanted to become united with Vishnu in His incarnation as Rama. Rama tells the sages that He cannot oblige them in His present role, for as Rama He is sworn to monogamy. But He will oblige them in His next incarnation as KRshNa; the sages can all be reborn as cowherd women (Gopis) and unite with Him in love..." (website cited above)

Comments -
2 – indukA – is it for this purpose? – The question is answered in anupallavi ‘mA vayasu nITa kalayuTandukA’ – ‘Is it for the purpose of dissolving our lives in the water’. In the previous kRti ‘unna tAvuna’, rAga ghaNTA, gOpis lament that they are doomed in kALindi river (gati kALindi manaku ika mIda).

4 – satta kaligi – In my opinion, in order to derive a suitable meaning, we should read this half of the caraNa together with second half of caraNa 4 and first half of caraNa 5 wherein the real nature of gOpis is explained – they were indeed sages who desired union with the Lord and they were born as gOpis.

9 – lIlalu – in view of the ensuing word ‘sairinci’ – ‘to put up with’, this would refer to the innumerable pranks played by the Lord.

This kRti forms part of dance-drama ‘nauka caritram’ – The Boat Story.

(Background - The gOpis meet kRshNa at the yamunA river and travel in a boat happily. In their excitement of meeting kRshNa, gOpis become proud thinking that kRshNa is their property. In order to remove their proudiness, kRshNa creates a storm in the river and as the boat is tossed about, it develops a crack and water starts entering the boat. kRshNa feigns illness and the gOpis become desperate as to how they would reach shore and ensure safety of kRshNa.)


ऎ,कॆ,चॆ.. - e,ke,ce..(short);
ए,के,चे.. - E,kE,cE..(long);
ऐ,कै,चै.. - ai,kai,cai..;
ऒ,कॊ,चॊ.. - o,ko,co..(short);
ओ,को,चो.. - O,kO,cO..(long);
औ,कौ,चौ.. -au,kau,cau..;

प. पॆरुगु पालु भुजियिञ्चि तनुवुल

अ. निरवधि सुख दायक मा वयसु
नीटनु कलयु(ट)न्दुका (पॆ)

च1. अत्त मामलतो नीकै
सत्त कलिगि(यि)कनैना(यु)न्दु(म)नि
सन्तसिल्लिन(दि)न्दुका (पॆ)

च2. आस तीर नी सेव वलयु(न)नि
बासि(यु)ण्ड नेरक पॆद्दलचे
बामुल जॆन्दिन(दि)न्दुका (पॆ)

च3. स्नान पानमुलु सेयु वेळ निनु
ध्यानमु जेसिन(दि)न्दुका
मेनुल नी सॊम्मुलु जेयुटकै
मे(म)ल्लाडिन(दि)न्दुका (पॆ)

च4. तलिरु बोणुलै यमुना नदिलो
वलचुचु तॊलि जन्ममु रामुनिचे
वरमुलु पडसिन(दि)न्दुका (पॆ)

च5. कोटि जन्ममुलु तपमुलु जेसि
साटि लेनि नी लीललु मनसुन
सैरिञ्चि(यु)न्न(दि)न्दुका (पॆ)

च6. आगम निगम पुराण चारु(ड)नि
त्यागराज नुत तारक नाम नी
तत्वमु तॆलिसिन(दि)न्दुका (पॆ)


க,ச,ட,த,ப - 2-ख छ ठ थ फ; 3-ग ड द ब; 4-घ झ ढ ध भ
(ச3 - ஜ)
ஸ1 श - शिव - சிவன்
ரு2 ऋ - कृप - கிருபை

ப. பெருகு3 பாலு பு4ஜியிஞ்சி தனுவுல

அ. நிரவதி4 ஸுக2 தா3யக மா வயஸு
நீடனு கலயு(ட)ந்து3கா (பெ)

ச1. அத்த மாமலதோ நீகை
ஸத்த கலிகி3(யி)கனைனா(யு)ந்து3(ம)னி
ஸந்தஸில்லின(தி3)ந்து3கா (பெ)

ச2. ஆஸ தீர நீ ஸேவ வலயு(ன)னி
பா3ஸி(யு)ண்ட3 நேரக பெத்3த3லசே
பா3முல ஜெந்தி3ன(தி3)ந்து3கா (பெ)

ச3. ஸ்னான பானமுலு ஸேயு வேள நினு
த்4யானமு ஜேஸின(தி3)ந்து3கா
மேனுல நீ ஸொம்முலு ஜேயுடகை
மே(ம)ல்லாடி3ன(தி3)ந்து3கா (பெ)

ச4. தலிரு போ3ணுலை யமுனா நதி3லோ
வலசுசு தொலி ஜன்மமு ராமுனிசே
வரமுலு பட3ஸின(தி3)ந்து3கா (பெ)

ச5. கோடி ஜன்மமுலு தபமுலு ஜேஸி
ஸாடி லேனி நீ லீலலு மனஸுன
ஸைரிஞ்சி(யு)ன்ன(தி3)ந்து3கா (பெ)

ச6. ஆக3ம நிக3ம புராண சாரு(ட3)னி
த்யாக3ராஜ நுத தாரக நாம நீ
தத்வமு தெலிஸின(தி3)ந்து3கா (பெ)

தயிரும் பாலுமூட்டி உடல்களை
வளர்த்ததெல்லாம் இதற்கா?

இடையறா சுகமளிப்போனே! எமது வயது
நீரில் கரைவதற்கா?

1. அத்தை, மாமனார்களுடன் உனக்காக
யாம் எதிர்த்துப் பேசியதெல்லாம் இதற்கா?
பேறு பெற்று, இனியாகிலும் இருப்போமெனக்
களிப்படைந்தது இதற்கா?

2. ஆசை தீர, உனது சேவை அமையுமெனத்
தேடியதெல்லாம் இதற்கா?
(உன்னைப்) பிரிந்திருக்க இயலாது, பெரியோர்களிடம்
தொல்லைகள் பட்டது இதற்கா?

3. குளியல் மற்றும் உண்ணும் வேளையிலும், உன்னைத்
தியானம் செய்தது இதற்கா?
உடல்களை உனது சொத்தாக்குவதற்காக,
யாம் அலைந்து திரிந்தது இதற்கா?

4. இளம் கன்னியராகியும், யமுனை நதியினில்
(இவ்வமயம்) தத்தளிப்பது இதற்கா?
விரும்பி, முற்பிறவியினில், இராமனிடம்
வரங்கள் பெற்றது இதற்கா?

5. கோடிப் பிறவிகள், தவங்களியற்றிக்
கோரினதெல்லாம் இதற்கா?
இணையற்ற, உனது திருவிளையாடல்களை மனதில்
பொறுத்திருப்பது இதற்கா?

6. ஆகம, மறை, புராணங்களில் உள்ளுறைவோனென
(உன்னைப்) பின்பற்றியது இதற்கா?
தியாகராசன் போற்றும், தாரக நாமத்தோனே! உனது
உண்மையான தன்மை தெரிந்தது இதற்கா?
தயிரும் பாலுமூட்டி உடல்களை
வளர்த்ததெல்லாம் இதற்கா?

திருவிளையாடல்கள் - கண்ணனின் குறும்புத்தனங்களைக் குறிக்கும்
தாரக நாமத்தோன் - 'ராம' எனும் நாமம் பிறவிக் கடலைக் கடத்துவிப்பது


ప. పెరుగు పాలు భుజియించి తనువుల

అ. నిరవధి సుఖ దాయక మా వయసు
నీటను కలయుటందుకా (పె)

చ1. అత్త మామలతో నీకై
సత్త కలిగియికనైనాయుందుమని
సంతసిల్లినదిందుకా (పె)

చ2. ఆస తీర నీ సేవ వలయునని
బాసియుండ నేరక పెద్దలచే
బాముల జెందినదిందుకా (పె)

చ3. స్నాన పానములు సేయు వేళ నిను
ధ్యానము జేసినదిందుకా
మేనుల నీ సొమ్ములు జేయుటకై
మేమల్లాడినదిందుకా (పె)

చ4. తలిరు బోణులై యమునా నదిలో
వలచుచు తొలి జన్మము రామునిచే
వరములు పడసినదిందుకా (పె)

చ5. కోటి జన్మములు తపములు జేసి
సాటి లేని నీ లీలలు మనసున
సైరించియున్నదిందుకా (పె)

చ6. ఆగమ నిగమ పురాణ చారుడని
త్యాగరాజ నుత తారక నామ నీ
తత్వము తెలిసినదిందుకా (పె)


ಪ. ಪೆರುಗು ಪಾಲು ಭುಜಿಯಿಂಚಿ ತನುವುಲ

ಅ. ನಿರವಧಿ ಸುಖ ದಾಯಕ ಮಾ ವಯಸು
ನೀಟನು ಕಲಯುಟಂದುಕಾ (ಪೆ)

ಚ1. ಅತ್ತ ಮಾಮಲತೋ ನೀಕೈ
ಸತ್ತ ಕಲಿಗಿಯಿಕನೈನಾಯುಂದುಮನಿ
ಸಂತಸಿಲ್ಲಿನದಿಂದುಕಾ (ಪೆ)

ಚ2. ಆಸ ತೀರ ನೀ ಸೇವ ವಲಯುನನಿ
ಬಾಸಿಯುಂಡ ನೇರಕ ಪೆದ್ದಲಚೇ
ಬಾಮುಲ ಜೆಂದಿನದಿಂದುಕಾ (ಪೆ)

ಚ3. ಸ್ನಾನ ಪಾನಮುಲು ಸೇಯು ವೇಳ ನಿನು
ಧ್ಯಾನಮು ಜೇಸಿನದಿಂದುಕಾ
ಮೇನುಲ ನೀ ಸೊಮ್ಮುಲು ಜೇಯುಟಕೈ
ಮೇಮಲ್ಲಾಡಿನದಿಂದುಕಾ (ಪೆ)

ಚ4. ತಲಿರು ಬೋಣುಲೈ ಯಮುನಾ ನದಿಲೋ
ವಲಚುಚು ತೊಲಿ ಜನ್ಮಮು ರಾಮುನಿಚೇ
ವರಮುಲು ಪಡಸಿನದಿಂದುಕಾ (ಪೆ)

ಚ5. ಕೋಟಿ ಜನ್ಮಮುಲು ತಪಮುಲು ಜೇಸಿ
ಸಾಟಿ ಲೇನಿ ನೀ ಲೀಲಲು ಮನಸುನ
ಸೈರಿಂಚಿಯುನ್ನದಿಂದುಕಾ (ಪೆ)

ಚ6. ಆಗಮ ನಿಗಮ ಪುರಾಣ ಚಾರುಡನಿ
ತ್ಯಾಗರಾಜ ನುತ ತಾರಕ ನಾಮ ನೀ
ತತ್ವಮು ತೆಲಿಸಿನದಿಂದುಕಾ (ಪೆ)


പ. പെരുഗു പാലു ഭുജിയിഞ്ചി തനുവുല

അ. നിരവധി സുഖ ദായക മാ വയസു
നീടനു കലയുടന്ദുകാ (പെ)

ച1. അത്ത മാമലതോ നീകൈ
സത്ത കലിഗിയികനൈനായുന്ദുമനി
സന്തസില്ലിനദിന്ദുകാ (പെ)

ച2. ആസ തീര നീ സേവ വലയുനനി
ബാസിയുണ്ഡ നേരക പെദ്ദലചേ
ബാമുല ജെന്ദിനദിന്ദുകാ (പെ)

ച3. സ്നാന പാനമുലു സേയു വേള നിനു
ധ്യാനമു ജേസിനദിന്ദുകാ
മേനുല നീ സൊമ്മുലു ജേയുടകൈ
മേമല്ലാഡിനദിന്ദുകാ (പെ)

ച4. തലിരു ബോണുലൈ യമുനാ നദിലോ
വലചുചു തൊലി ജന്മമു രാമുനിചേ
വരമുലു പഡസിനദിന്ദുകാ (പെ)

ച5. കോടി ജന്മമുലു തപമുലു ജേസി
സാടി ലേനി നീ ലീലലു മനസുന
സൈരിഞ്ചിയുന്നദിന്ദുകാ (പെ)

ച6. ആഗമ നിഗമ പുരാണ ചാരുഡനി
ത്യാഗരാജ നുത താരക നാമ നീ
തത്വമു തെലിസിനദിന്ദുകാ (പെ)

Updated on 14 Oct 2010

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