Saturday, January 12, 2008

Thyagaraja Kriti - Paluku Kanda - Raga Navarasa Kannada

Transliteration–Telugu _______________________________________________________
Transliteration as per Modified Harvard-Kyoto (HK) Convention
(including Telugu letters – Short e, Short o) -

a A i I u U
e E ai o O au M (H or :)

(e – short E – Long o – short O – Long)

k kh g gh n/G
c ch j jh n/J (jn – as in jnAna)
T Th D Dh N
t th d dh n
p ph b bh m
y r l L v
S sh s h

paluku kaNDa-navarasakannaDa

In the kRti ‘paluku kaNDa cakkera’ – rAga navarasakannaDa, SrI tyAgarAja describes the sweetness of the words of the Lord.

paluku kaNDa cakkeranu kErunE
1paNatulAra jUDarE

koluvu kUTamunanu kolucu vArini
pilici dASarathi prEma mIra 2palikE (paluku)

surula kAminI maNula gAnam-
(A)daraNan(A)lakincucunu 3SRngAra
rasa yukta 4vAra ramaNul(A)Da jUci
sarasa 5tyAgarAjunitOnu 6pogaDE (paluku)


Behold, O Maidens!

  • The sweetness of words spoken by Lord rAma would deride the sweetness of sugar-candy.
  • The sweetness of words, spoken by Lord rAma calling, with great love, those who are serving Him in the Assembly hall, would deride the sweetness of sugar-candy.
  • The sweetness words, spoken by Lord rAma with this tyAgarAja, nicely lauding,
    • while graciously listening to the music of best of celestial women, and
    • looking at the charming dancing girls as they dance,
  • would deride the sweetness of sugar candy.

Word-by-word Meaning

paluku kaNDa cakkeranu kErunE
paNatulAra jUDarE

The (sweetness of) words (paluku) (spoken by the Lord) would deride (kErunE) the (sweetness of) sugar-candy (kaNDa cakkeranu); behold (jUDarE), O Maidens (paNatulAra)!

koluvu kUTamunanu kolucu vArini
pilici dASarathi prEma mIra palikE (paluku)

The sweetness of words spoken (palikE) by Lord rAma – son of King daSaratha (dASarathi) –
calling (pilici), with great (mIra) love (prEma), those (vArini) who are serving (kolucu) Him in the Assembly (koluvu) hall (kUTamunanu),
would deride the sweetness of sugar-candy; behold, O Maidens!

surula kAminI maNula gAnamu-
AdaraNanu-Alakincucunu SRngAra
rasa yukta vAra ramaNulu-ADa jUci
sarasa tyAgarAjunitOnu pogaDE (paluku)

The sweetness words spoken by Lord rAma with this tyAgarAja (tyAgarAjunitOnu) nicely (sarasa) lauding (pogaDE),
while graciously (AdaraNanu) listening (Alakincucunu) to the music (gAnamu) (gAnamAdaraNanAlakincucunu) of best (maNulu) of celestial (surula) women (kAminI), and
looking at (jUci) the charming – endowed (yukta) with the flavour (rasa) of love (SRngAra) - dancing girls (vAra ramaNulu) as they dance (ADa),
would deride the sweetness of sugar candy; behold, O Maidens!

Notes –
1 – paNatulAra – This is how it is given in all the books, and the meaning derived is ‘maids’, ‘friends’. However, as per telugu dictionary, ‘paNati’ does not have any such meaning. SrI tyAgarAja uses this word in ‘naukA caritra’ also where it clearly means ‘woman’. The Sanskrit word ‘praNayini’ - and the tad-bhava Telugu word – means ‘a beloved woman’. ‘paNati’ may be the colloquial version of this word. This is more so because the syllable ‘pa’ and ‘pra’ are interchangeably used in telugu in the beginning of certain words – ‘pakkala’ – ‘prakkala’ etc.

2 – palikE – paluku. In the present context ‘palikE’ seems to be appropriate.

5 – tyAgarAjunitOnu – tyAgarAja nutinitOnu. However, in the books, the meaning derived is ‘with tyAgarAja’. In any case, ‘tyAgarAja nutunitOnu’ is not appropriate in the present context because it would mean 'rAma talking to Himself'.

6 – pogaDE - pogaDu.

3 – SRngAra rasa – nava rasa - SRngAra - love, vIra - valour, bIbhatsa - disgust, raudra - anger, hAsya - mirth, bhayAnaka - terror, karuNa - pity, adbhuta - wonder, SAnta – tranquility; in some places, vAtsalya – parental fondness is also taken as the tenth rasa.

4 – vAra ramaNulu – the dEva dAsis nominated in earlier times for dancing in the temples.

Comments -
General – This kRti is in the nAyaki bhAva.


ऎ,कॆ,चॆ.. - e,ke,ce..(short);
ए,के,चे.. - E,kE,cE..(long);
ऐ,कै,चै.. - ai,kai,cai..;
ऒ,कॊ,चॊ.. - o,ko,co..(short);
ओ,को,चो.. - O,kO,cO..(long);
औ,कौ,चौ.. -au,kau,cau..;

प. पलुकु कण्ड चक्कॆरनु केरुने
पणतुलार जूडरे

अ. कॊलुवु कूटमुननु कॊलुचु वारिनि
पिलिचि दाशरथि प्रेम मीर पलिके (पलुकु)

च. सुरुल कामिनी मणुल गान-
(मा)दरण(ना)लकिञ्चुचुनु शृंगार
रस युक्त वार रमणु(ला)ड जूचि
सरस त्यागराजुनितोनु पॊगडे (पलुकु)


க,ச,ட,த,ப - 2-ख छ ठ थ फ; 3-ग ड द ब; 4-घ झ ढ ध भ
(ச3 - ஜ)
ஸ1 श - शिव - சிவன்
ரு2 ऋ - कृप - கிருபை

ப. பலுகு கண்ட3 சக்கெரனு கேருனே
பணதுலார ஜூட3ரே

அ. கொலுவு கூடமுனனு கொலுசு வாரினி
பிலிசி தா3ஸ1ரதி2 ப்ரேம மீர பலிகே (பலுகு)

ச. ஸுருல காமினீ மணுல கா3ன-
(மா)த3ரண(னா)லகிஞ்சுசுனு ஸ்1ரு2ங்கா3ர
ரஸ யுக்த வார ரமணு(லா)ட3 ஜூசி
ஸரஸ த்யாக3ராஜுனிதோனு பொக3டே3 (பலுகு)

சொற்கள் கண்டசருக்கரையைப் பழிக்குமே!
வனிதையரே, காணீர்!

கொலுவுக் கூடத்தினில் சேவிப்போரை
அழைத்து, தாசரதி பரிவு மிகப் பகரும்
சொற்கள், கண்டசருக்கரையைப் பழிக்குமே!
வனிதையரே, காணீர்!

வானோர் பெண்மணிகளின் இசையை
கனிவுடன் செவிமடுத்துக்கொண்டு, சிங்காரச்
சுவையுடை ஆடல் மகளிர் ஆடக்கண்டு,
இனிமையாக, தியாகராசனுடன் புகழ்ந்துரைக்கும்
சொற்கள், கண்டசருக்கரையைப் பழிக்குமே!
வனிதையரே, காணீர்!

கண்டசருக்கரை - கற்கண்டெனவும் கொள்ளலாம்
தாசரதி - தசரதன் மைந்தன் - இராமன்


ప. పలుకు కండ చక్కెరను కేరునే
పణతులార జూడరే

అ. కొలువు కూటమునను కొలుచు వారిని
పిలిచి దాశరథి ప్రేమ మీర పలికే (పలుకు)

చ. సురుల కామినీ మణుల గాన-
మాదరణనాలకించుచును శృంగార
రస యుక్త వార రమణులాడ జూచి
సరస త్యాగరాజునితోను పొగడే (పలుకు)


ಪ. ಪಲುಕು ಕಂಡ ಚಕ್ಕೆರನು ಕೇರುನೇ
ಪಣತುಲಾರ ಜೂಡರೇ

ಅ. ಕೊಲುವು ಕೂಟಮುನನು ಕೊಲುಚು ವಾರಿನಿ
ಪಿಲಿಚಿ ದಾಶರಥಿ ಪ್ರೇಮ ಮೀರ ಪಲಿಕೇ (ಪಲುಕು)

ಚ. ಸುರುಲ ಕಾಮಿನೀ ಮಣುಲ ಗಾನ-
ಮಾದರಣನಾಲಕಿಂಚುಚುನು ಶೃಂಗಾರ
ರಸ ಯುಕ್ತ ವಾರ ರಮಣುಲಾಡ ಜೂಚಿ
ಸರಸ ತ್ಯಾಗರಾಜುನಿತೋನು ಪೊಗಡೇ (ಪಲುಕು)


പ. പലുകു കണ്ഡ ചക്കെരനു കേരുനേ
പണതുലാര ജൂഡരേ

അ. കൊലുവു കൂടമുനനു കൊലുചു വാരിനി
പിലിചി ദാശരഥി പ്രേമ മീര പലികേ (പലുകു)

ച. സുരുല കാമിനീ മണുല ഗാന-
മാദരണനാലകിഞ്ചുചുനു ശൃങ്ഗാര
രസ യുക്ത വാര രമണുലാഡ ജൂചി
സരസ ത്യാഗരാജുനിതോനു പൊഗഡേ (പലുകു)

Updated on 13 Jun 2009

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