Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thyagaraja Kriti - Krpa Joochutaku - Raga Chaayaa Tarangini

Transliteration–Telugu _______________________________________________________
Transliteration as per Modified Harvard-Kyoto (HK) Convention
(including Telugu letters – Short e, Short o) -

a A i I u U
e E ai o O au M (H or :)

(e – short E – Long o – short O – Long)

k kh g gh n/G
c ch j jh n/J (jn – as in jnAna)
T Th D Dh N
t th d dh n
p ph b bh m
y r l L v
S sh s h

kRpa jUcuTaku-chAyAtarangiNi

In the kRti ‘kRpa jUcuTaku’ – rAga chAyAtarangiNi, SrI tyAgarAja pleads with the Lord to show mercy.

kRpa jUcuTaku vELarA rAma

aparAdhamulan(O)rva vaSamA-
(y)1ana pOkavE sarivAralalO (kRpa)

2param(A)rthamau mArgam(e)rugaru
3prabhuvul(e)lla nIca sEvakulurA
para lOka bhayam(e)nta kAnaru
vara tyAgarAja hRt-sadana (kRpa)


O Lord rAma! O Great Lord resident in the heart of this tyAgarAja!

  • It is time to show mercy in the midst of my peers.

  • Please do not say ‘is it possible to forgive transgressions?’

  • All the Kings (or rich) are indeed lowly servants;

  • they do not know the path which is conducive to ultimate truth;

  • they do not understand how much the dread of the future world is.

Word-by-word Meaning

kRpa jUcuTaku vELarA rAma

O Lord rAma! It is time (vELarA) to show (jUcuTaku) mercy (kRpa).

aparAdhamulanu-Orva vaSamA
ana pOkavE sarivAralalO (kRpa)

Please do not say (ana pOkavE) ‘is it possible (vaSamA) (vaSamAyana) to forgive (Orva) (literally forbear) transgressions’ (aparAdhamulanu) (aparAdhamulanOrva);
O Lord rAma! It is time to show mercy in the midst of my peers (sarivAralalO).

parama-arthamau mArgamu-erugaru
prabhuvulu-ella nIca sEvakulurA
para lOka bhayamu-enta kAnaru
vara tyAgarAja hRt-sadana (kRpa)

All (ella) the Kings (or rich) (prabhuvulu) (prabhuvulella) are indeed lowly (nIca) servants (sEvakulurA);
they do not know (erugaru) the path (mArgamu) (mArgamerugaru) which is conducive to ultimate truth (parama arthamu) (paramArthamau);
they do not understand (kAnaru) (literally see) how much (enta) the dread (bhayamu) (bhayamenta) of the future (para) world (lOka) is;
O Great (vara) Lord resident (sadana) in the heart (hRt) of this tyAgarAja!
O Lord rAma! It is time to show mercy.

Notes –
2 – paramArthamau mArgamerugaru – they do not know the path conducive to the ultimate truth – Please also refer to kRti 'kAsiccEdE' rAga guaLipantu, wherein SrI tyAgarAja states –

hari dAsulu sEvimparu anucu prabhuvulu daya mAniri;
paramencaka pOyiri.

"The Lords have abandoned compassion because devotees would not salute them; they failed to think of the next World."

Comments -
1 – ana pOkavE – 'do not say so' - This is forestalling the Lord from making such a statement.

2 – paramArthamau mArgamu – Path conducive to the ultimate truth. As the context here is 'Kings' (prabhuvulu), SrI tyAgarAja is probably referring to the rAja dharma. Please refer to Essays on 'rAja dharma' based on manu and others

3 – prabhuvulella nIca sEvakulurA - There is a story of Akbar - the Emperor. One of the Emperor's ministers eulogised Akbar that he (Akbar) is God indeed because Muslims pray 'allAhu akbar' – meaning 'God is Great'. Akbar thought it preposterous to call him God.
Once a mendicant came to the Court of Akbar to beg for alms. He was told that the Emperor was praying to the God (allAh). The mendicant returned without waiting for the Emperor. When Akbar enquired as to why the mendicant did not wait for him, his courtiers said that the mendicant said 'Hearing that Akbar is God, I came to the Emperor to beg for alms; but found the Emperor himself begging from the God; therefore, I would as well beg directly from Him”. Then Akbar realised that his minister was only flattering him.

Please also refer to Dikshitar kRti ‘hiraNmayIM lakshmIM’ – rAga lalitA, wherein he states ‘hIna mAnAvASrayaM tyajAmi’ – I reject the refuge of mean people’.

3 – prabhuvulella nIca sEvakulurA – The implication seems to be that he is not going to entreat any of these rich people as they are not worthy of being entreated. Therefore, he beseeches Lord to show compassion (kRpa jUcuTaku vELarA).


ऎ,कॆ,चॆ.. - e,ke,ce..(short);
ए,के,चे.. - E,kE,cE..(long);
ऐ,कै,चै.. - ai,kai,cai..;
ऒ,कॊ,चॊ.. - o,ko,co..(short);
ओ,को,चो.. - O,kO,cO..(long);
औ,कौ,चौ.. -au,kau,cau..;

प. कृप जूचुटकु वेळरा राम

अ. अपराधमुल(नो)र्व वशमा-
(य)न पोकवे सरिवारललो (कृप)

च. पर(मा)र्थमौ मार्ग(मॆ)रुगरु
प्रभुवु(लॆ)ल्ल नीच सेवकुलुरा
पर लोक भय(मॆ)न्त कानरु
वर त्यागराज हृत्सदन (कृप)


க,ச,ட,த,ப - 2-ख छ ठ थ फ; 3-ग ड द ब; 4-घ झ ढ ध भ
(ச3 - ஜ)
ஸ1 श - शिव - சிவன்
ரு2 ऋ - कृप - கிருபை

ப. க்ரு2ப ஜூசுடகு வேளரா ராம

அ. அபராத4முல(னோ)ர்வ வஸ1மா-
(ய)ன போகவே ஸரிவாரலலோ (க்ரு2ப)

ச. பர(மா)ர்த2மௌ மார்க3(மெ)ருக3ரு
ப்ரபு4வு(லெ)ல்ல நீச ஸேவகுலுரா
பர லோக ப4ய(மெ)ந்த கானரு
வர த்யாக3ராஜ ஹ்ரு2த்-ஸத3ன (க்ரு2ப)

கருணை புரிய வேளையய்யா, இராமா!

'குற்றங்களைப் பொறுக்கக் கூடுமா' யென
சொல்லப் போகாதே; ஈடானோரில்
கருணை புரிய வேளையய்யா, இராமா!

மெய்யறிவு சேர்க்கும் நெறியினையறிந்திலர்;
பிரபுக்களெல்லோரும் தாழ்ந்த சேவகர்களய்யா!
மற்ற உலகத்தின் அச்சம் எத்தகையதென அறிந்திலர்;
தியாகராசனின் இதயத்துறை பெருந்தகையே!
கருணை புரிய வேளையய்யா, இராமா!

பிரபுக்கள் - மன்னர்கள் மற்றும் செல்வந்தர்கள்
மற்ற உலகம் - உயிர் நீத்தபின் எதிர்கொள்ளும் நிலைகள்


ప. కృప జూచుటకు వేళరా రామ

అ. అపరాధములనోర్వ వశమా-
యన పోకవే సరివారలలో (కృప)

చ. పరమార్థమౌ మార్గమెరుగరు
ప్రభువులెల్ల నీచ సేవకులురా
పర లోక భయమెంత కానరు
వర త్యాగరాజ హృత్సదన (కృప)


ಪ. ಕೃಪ ಜೂಚುಟಕು ವೇಳರಾ ರಾಮ

ಅ. ಅಪರಾಧಮುಲನೋರ್ವ ವಶಮಾ-
ಯನ ಪೋಕವೇ ಸರಿವಾರಲಲೋ (ಕೃಪ)

ಚ. ಪರಮಾರ್ಥಮೌ ಮಾರ್ಗಮೆರುಗರು
ಪ್ರಭುವುಲೆಲ್ಲ ನೀಚ ಸೇವಕುಲುರಾ
ಪರ ಲೋಕ ಭಯಮೆಂತ ಕಾನರು
ವರ ತ್ಯಾಗರಾಜ ಹೃತ್ಸದನ (ಕೃಪ)


പ. കൃപ ജൂചുടകു വേളരാ രാമ

അ. അപരാധമുലനോര്വ വശമാ-
യന പോകവേ സരിവാരലലോ (കൃപ)

ച. പരമാര്ഥമൌ മാര്ഗമെരുഗരു
പ്രഭുവുലെല്ല നീച സേവകുലുരാ
പര ലോക ഭയമെന്ത കാനരു
വര ത്യാഗരാജ ഹൃത്സദന (കൃപ)

Updated on 12 Jun 2009

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