Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Thyagaraja Kriti - Kadaluvaadu - Raga Narayana Gaula

Transliteration–Telugu _______________________________________________________
Transliteration as per Modified Harvard-Kyoto (HK) Convention
(including Telugu letters – Short e, Short o) -

a A i I u U
e E ai o O au M (H or :)

(e – short E – Long o – short O – Long)

k kh g gh n/G
c ch j jh n/J (jn – as in jnAna)
T Th D Dh N
t th d dh n
p ph b bh m
y r l L v
S sh s h


In the kRti ‘kadalu vADu kADE’ – rAga nArAyaNagauLa, SrI tyAgarAja extols the greatness of Lord.

1kadaluvADu kADE rAmuDu
kathal(e)nnO kalavADE

2modalu tAn(ai)nADE 3tuda
modalu lEnivAD(ai)nADE (kadalu)

kalpanal(e)nnaDu lEdu
4sankalpamulE kalavADu 5SEsha
talpa SayanuDE vADu SrI
tyAgarAja nutuD(ai)nADu (kadalu)

  • SrI rAma is the immovable Lord;

  • He has numerous stories about His incarnations.

  • He has become the origin - primal cause;

  • He has become the One who has neither beginning nor end.

  • Never is there any imagination or fancies in Him;

  • He has only volitions;

  • He reclines on the couch of SEsha;

  • He has become the Great One praised by this tyAgarAja.

Word-by-word Meaning

kadaluvADu kADE rAmuDu
kathalu-ennO kalavADE

SrI rAma (rAmuDu) is the immovable Lord - not (kADE) One who ever moves (kadalu vADu); He (vADE) has (kala) numerous (ennO) stories (kathalu) (kathalennO) about His incarnations.

modalu tAnu-ainADE tuda
modalu lEnivADu-ainADE (kadalu)

He (tAnu) has become (ainADE) (tAnainADE) the origin - primal cause (modalu); He has become (ainADE) the One who (vADu) (vADainADE) has neither (lEni) beginning (modalu) nor end (tuda);
SrI rAma is the immovable Lord; He has numerous stories about His incarnations.

kalpanalu-ennaDu lEdu
sankalpamulE kalavADu SEsha
talpa SayanuDE vADu SrI
tyAgarAja nutuDu-ainADu (kadalu)

Never is there (ennaDu lEdu) any imagination or fancies (kalpanalu) (kalpanalennaDu) in Him; He has (kalavADu) only volitions (sankalpamulE);
He (vADE) reclines (SayanuDE) on the couch (talpa) of SEsha; He has become (ainADu) the Great One (SrI) praised (nutuDu) (nutuDainADu) by this tyAgarAja;
SrI rAma is the immovable Lord; He has numerous stories about His incarnations.

Notes –
Variations –
1 - kadalu – kadalE : modalu – modalE : nutuDainAdu - nutuDainADE

References –
4 – sankalpamu kalavADu – The Supreme Lord is called (among many other names) as ‘satya kAma’ and ‘satya sankalpa’.

vishNu sahasra nAma (253) – ‘siddha sankalpaH’ – “sankalpa means ‘intellectual willing and wishing’. One who gains all that He wishes for, or One who immediately gains what He wills is called siddha-sankalpaH. Ordinarily we fail to gain what we demand because of the disintegration within ourselves. The Lord, the Perfect, is One who instantaneously gains all that He wishes; hence the Upanishads define Him as the satya sankalpavAn.” (Meanings: based upon the commentary of SankarAcArya) Source –vishNu sahasra nAma

The 'sankalpa' of the Supreme Lord (Or ISvara) is called ‘satya' or 'siddha’. On the other hand 'sankalpa' (resolve) of man which is, invariably, with a motive, is decried as being the source of bondage. The following verse from SrImad-bhagavad-gItA, Chapter 6 refers –

sankalpa-prabhavAn-kAmAMs-tyaktvA sarvAn-aSEshataH
manasaivEndriya-grAmaM viniyamya samantataH 24

“Abandoning without reserve all desires born of sankalpa, and completely restraining by the mind alone, the whole group of senses from their objects in all directions......”; (Continued in Next verse) (Translation by Swami Swarupananda)

5 – SEsha – The true significance of SEsha –

".....the Supreme Lord is recognized as 'Seshi' or Ucchishtam in the Vedic terminology. Seshi is the final reality, when nothing else exists as at the time of MahA PraLayam. At that time, the entire creation passes into the primordial matter, devoid of name and form and only Iswaran exists as Seshi. He is not subject to change, decay or death. He is the progenitor of all as Seshi. Every thing is reborn from him at this time of mahA praLayA. Whatever is generated from the Seshi is known as Sesha. The relationship between Iswaran (Seshi) and His creation (sesha) that decays after finite life is known as Sesha-Seshi bhAvam...." Source - SEsha - SEshi

Comments -
1 – kadaluvADu kADE – The corresponding samskRta words are 'acala’, ‘kUTastha’, ‘sthANu’

2 – modalu tAnainADE – the corresponding samskRta word is ‘AdimUla’

3 – tuda modalu lEnivADainADE – the corresponding samskRta words are – ‘Adyanta rahita’.


ऎ,कॆ,चॆ.. - e,ke,ce..(short);
ए,के,चे.. - E,kE,cE..(long);
ऐ,कै,चै.. - ai,kai,cai..;
ऒ,कॊ,चॊ.. - o,ko,co..(short);
ओ,को,चो.. - O,kO,cO..(long);
औ,कौ,चौ.. -au,kau,cau..;

प. कदलुवाडु काडे रामुडु
कथ(लॆ)न्नो कलवाडे

अ. मॊदलु ता(नै)नाडे तुद
मॊदलु लेनिवा(डै)नाडे (कदलु)

च. कल्पन(लॆ)न्नडु लेदु
संकल्पमुले कलवाडु शेष
तल्प शयनुडे वाडु श्री
त्यागराज नुतु(डै)नाडु (कदलु)


க,ச,ட,த,ப - 2-ख छ ठ थ फ; 3-ग ड द ब; 4-घ झ ढ ध भ
(ச3 - ஜ)
ஸ1 श - शिव - சிவன்
ரு2 ऋ - कृप - கிருபை

ப. கத3லுவாடு3 காடே3 ராமுடு3
கத2(லெ)ன்னோ கலவாடே3

அ. மொத3லு தா(னை)னாடே3 துத3
மொத3லு லேனிவா(டை3)னாடே3 (கத3லு)

ச. கல்பன(லெ)ன்னடு3 லேது3
ஸங்கல்பமுலே கலவாடு3 ஸே1ஷ
தல்ப ஸ1யனுடே3 வாடு3 ஸ்ரீ
த்யாக3ராஜ நுது(டை3)னாடு3 (கத3லு)

நிலை பெயர்பவனன்றே, இராமன்;
கதைகளெத்தனையோ உடையவனே!

முதல் தானாகினானே! முடிவும்
நிலை பெயர்பவனன்றே, இராமன்;
கதைகளெத்தனையோ உடையவனே!

கற்பனைகளென்றும் இல்லை;
சங்கற்பங்களே உடையவன்; அரவு
அணையில் துயில்பவன் அவன்;
தியாகராசனால் போற்றப் பெற்றோனாகினான்
நிலை பெயர்பவனன்றே, இராமன்;
கதைகளெத்தனையோ உடையவனே!

நிலை பெயர்பவனன்று - பரம்பொருளினைக் குறிக்கும்
முதல் தானாகினான் - பிரபஞ்சத்திற்கு ஆதிமூலமாக
முடிவும் முதலுமற்றவன் - சனாதனன் - என்றுமிருக்கும் பரம்பொருள்
கதைகளெத்தனையோ - அவதாரங்களைக் குறித்த கதைகள்
சங்கற்பம் - சித்தம் - எண்ணியதை முடித்தல்


ప. కదలువాడు కాడే రాముడు
కథలెన్నో కలవాడే

అ. మొదలు తానైనాడే తుద
మొదలు లేనివాడైనాడే (కదలు)

చ. కల్పనలెన్నడు లేదు
సంకల్పములే కలవాడు శేష
తల్ప శయనుడే వాడు శ్రీ
త్యాగరాజ నుతుడైనాడు (కదలు)


ಪ. ಕದಲುವಾಡು ಕಾಡೇ ರಾಮುಡು
ಕಥಲೆನ್ನೋ ಕಲವಾಡೇ

ಅ. ಮೊದಲು ತಾನೈನಾಡೇ ತುದ
ಮೊದಲು ಲೇನಿವಾಡೈನಾಡೇ (ಕದಲು)

ಚ. ಕಲ್ಪನಲೆನ್ನಡು ಲೇದು
ಸಂಕಲ್ಪಮುಲೇ ಕಲವಾಡು ಶೇಷ
ತಲ್ಪ ಶಯನುಡೇ ವಾಡು ಶ್ರೀ
ತ್ಯಾಗರಾಜ ನುತುಡೈನಾಡು (ಕದಲು)


പ. കദലുവാഡു കാഡേ രാമുഡു
കഥലെന്നോ കലവാഡേ

അ. മൊദലു താനൈനാഡേ തുദ
മൊദലു ലേനിവാഡൈനാഡേ (കദലു)

ച. കല്പനലെന്നഡു ലേദു
സങ്കല്പമുലേ കലവാഡു ശേഷ
തല്പ ശയനുഡേ വാഡു ശ്രീ
ത്യാഗരാജ നുതുഡൈനാഡു (കദലു)

Updated on 04 Jun 2009

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