Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thyagaraja Kriti - Evaricchiriraa - Raga Madhyamavathi

Transliteration–Telugu _______________________________________________________
Transliteration as per Modified Harvard-Kyoto (HK) Convention
(including Telugu letters – Short e, Short o) -

a A i I u U
e E ai o O au M (H or :)

(e – short E – Long o – short O – Long)

k kh g gh n/G
c ch j jh n/J (jn – as in jnAna)
T Th D Dh N
t th d dh n
p ph b bh m
y r l L v
S sh s h


In the kRti ‘evariccirirA Sara’ - rAga madhyamAvati, SrI tyAgarAja praises the might of the weapons of SrI rAma.

P evar(i)ccirirA Sara 1cApamulu nIk-
(i)na kul(A)bdhi candra

A avatarincu vELa(n)uNDenO lEka
avanik(E)gi ArjincitivO SrI rAma nIk(evaru)

C 2okaT(E)si padi nUrai veyyai
3cekapikalADi Satrulan(a)NacenaTa
vikaluni kAkini brOva 4tri-mUrtulu
venuka 5tIsiraTa
sakala nadI patikai 6drumakulyula
7prakaTa kIrti kaligina kOdaNDa
pANi SrI 8tyAgarAja vinuta nIk(evaru)

O Moon born in the Ocean of Solar dynasty! O Lord SrI rAma! O Lord who wields the publicly famous bow kOdaNDa! O Lord praised by this tyAgarAja!
Who gave arrows and bow to You?
Were they there when You incarnated or, did You acquire them after coming down to the Earth?
It is said that –
(a) one (arrow) shot by You, multiplying into tens, hundreds and thousands, subdued Your enemies by confounding them;
(b) even the Trinity backed out from protecting the crow (demon), who was later rendered deformed (in the eye);
(c) Your arrows/missiles destroyed the dwellers of drumakulya at the behest of varuNa.

Word-by-word Meaning

P O Moon (candra) born in the Ocean (abdhi) of Solar (ina) dynasty (kula) (kulAbdhi)! Who (evaru) gave (icciri) (evariccirirA) arrows (Sara) and bow (cApamu) (cApamulu) to You (nIku) (nIkina)?

A Were they there (uNDenO) when (vELa) (vELanuNDenO) You incarnated (avatarincu) or (lEka),
did You acquire (ArjincitivO) them after coming (Egi) down to the Earth (avaniki) (avanikEgi)?
O Lord SrI rAma! O Moon born in the Ocean of Solar dynasty! Who gave arrows and bow to You (nIku)?

C It is said that (aTa) one (arrow) (okaTi) shot (Esi) (okaTEsi) by You, multiplying into tens (padi), hundreds (nUrai) and thousands (veyyai),
subdued (aNacenu) Your enemies (Satrulanu) (SatrulanaNacenaTa) by confounding (cekapikalADi) (literally trouble) them;
it is said that (aTa) even the Trinity (tri-mUrtulu) backed out (venuka tIsiri) (tIsiraTa) from protecting the crow (demon) (kAkini), who was later rendered deformed (in the eye) (vikaluni);
it is said that (aTa) they (Your arrows/missiles) destroyed (samharincenu) (samharincenaTa) the dwellers of drumakulya (drumakulyula) at the behest of varuNa - the Lord (patikai) of all (sakala) rivers (nadI);
O Lord who wields (pANi) the publicly (prakaTa) famous (kIrti kalgina) bow kOdaNDa! O Lord praised (vinuta) by this tyAgarAja!
O Moon born in the Ocean of Solar dynasty! Who gave arrows and bow to You (nIku)?

Notes –
Variations –
1 – cApamulu – cApamu.

2 – okaTEsi – okaTEsina.

3 – cekapikalADi – In all the books the word ‘cakapakalADi’ has been given. There are two similar words in telugu –(1) ‘cikapika’ meaning ‘scatter’, ‘piecemeal’, ‘fragments’ and (2) ‘cekapika’ meaning ‘fierceness’, ‘troubling’; ‘cekapikalADu’ means 'to trouble'. Therefore, 'cekapikalADi' seems to be appropriate in the context and the same has been adopted.

5 – tIsiraTa - tIsinAraTa.

8 – tyAgarAja vinuta - tyAgarAja nuta.

References –
2 - okaTEsi padi nUrai veyyai – The following verses from SrImad vAlmIki rAmAyaNa, AraNya kANDa – Chapter 31 – Words spoken by akampana to rAvaNa –

yEna yEna ca gacchanti rAkshasA bhayakarshitAH
tEna tEna sma paSyanti rAmamEvAgrataH stithaM
itthaM vinASitaM tEna janasthAnaM tavAnagha 19, 20

“Whatever way the ogres stricken with fear went they beheld rAma alone standing in front on that very way. In this manner, was Your janasthAna laid waste by him.”

yudddha kANDa – Chapter 93 –

tE tu rAma sahasrANi raNE paSyanti rAkshasAH
punaH paSyanti kAkutsthamEkamEva mahAhavE 27
anIkaM daSa sAhasraM rathAnAM vAtaraMhasAM
ashTAdaSa sahasrANi kunjarANAM tarasvinAM
caturdaSa sahasrANi sArOhANAM ca vAjinAM
pUrNE Sata sahasrE dvE rAkshasAnAM padAtinAM
divasasyAshTabhAgEna SarairagniSikhOpamaiH
hatAnyEkEna rAmENa rakshasAM kAmarUpiNAM 31 – 33

“The aforesaid ogres for their part beheld thousands of rAma on the battle field, while at other times they saw only one rAma – a scion of kAkutstha.” (27)

“In the eighth part of a day (one hour and a half) an army of ogres capable of changing their form at will, consisting of a myriad chariots possessing the swiftness of the wind, also eighteen thousand fleet-footed elephants, fourteen thousand horses with their riders, and a full two lakhs of ogres fighting on foot, was exterminated by SrI rAma single-handed with his arrows resembling tongues of fires.” (31-33)

4 – tri mUrtulu venuka tIsiraTa – The followering verses from SrImad vAlmIki rAmayaNa, sundara kANDa, chapter 38 are relevant –

anusRshTastadA kAkO jagAma vividhAM gatiM
trAnakAma imaM lOkaM sarvaM vai vicacAra ha
sa pitrA ca parityaktaH sarvaiSca paramarshibhiH
trIMllOkAN samparikramya tamEva SaraNam gataH 31, 32

“Seeking protection when given chase to (by the missile), the crow then sought various asylums and thus actually ranged this whole universe: so it is said.
Having duly travelled through all the three worlds, nay, deserted by his father (indra) all the great Rshis, he sought SrI rAma alone as his refuge.”

6 – drumakulya – This refers to SrImad vAlmIki rAmayaNa, yuddha kANDa, Chapter 22, verses 30 to 40. Sinful marauders of terrible aspects and deeds (AbhIras) dwelling the region of drumakulya – aka – marukAntAra (present day Marwar, Bikaner and Rajasthan) were destroyed by the brahmAstra of SrI rAma which was originally discharged against Lord of Oceans. This was done at the behest of Lord of Oceans.

To know more about AbhIras please visit –

Comments -
7 – prakaTa kIrti kalgina – publicly famous – this may either be applied to the Lord (kOdaNDa pANi) directly or to the bow kOdaNDa. As the kRti is about the weapons of the Lord, it has been applied to the bow kOdaNDa here.


ऎ,कॆ,चॆ.. - e,ke,ce..(short);
ए,के,चे.. - E,kE,cE..(long);
ऐ,कै,चै.. - ai,kai,cai..;
ऒ,कॊ,चॊ.. - o,ko,co..(short);
ओ,को,चो.. - O,kO,cO..(long);
औ,कौ,चौ.. -au,kau,cau..;

प. ऎव(रि)च्चिरिरा शर चापमुलु
नी(कि)न कु(ला)ब्धि चन्द्र

अ. अवतरिञ्चु वेळ(नु)ण्डॆनो लेक
अवनि(के)गि आर्जिञ्चितिवो श्री राम नी(कॆव)

च. ऒक(टे)सि पदि नूरै वॆय्यै
चॆकपिकलाडि शत्रुल(न)णचॆनट
विकलुनि काकिनि ब्रोव त्रि-मूर्तुलु
वॆनुक तीसिरट
सकल नदी पतिकै द्रुमकुल्युल
प्रकट कीर्ति कल्गिन कोदण्ड
पाणि श्री त्यागराज विनुत नी(कॆव)


க,ச,ட,த,ப - 2-ख छ ठ थ फ; 3-ग ड द ब; 4-घ झ ढ ध भ
(ச3 - ஜ)
ஸ1 श - शिव - சிவன்
ரு2 ऋ - कृप - கிருபை

ப. எவ(ரி)ச்சிரிரா ஸ1ர சாபமுலு
நீ(கி)ன கு(லா)ப்3தி4 சந்த்3ர

அ. அவதரிஞ்சு வேள(னு)ண்டெ3னோ லேக
அவனி(கே)கி3 ஆர்ஜிஞ்சிதிவோ ஸ்ரீ ராம நீ(கெவ)

ச. ஒக(டே)ஸி பதி3 நூரை வெய்யை
செகபிகலாடி3 ஸ1த்ருல(ன)ணசெனட
விகலுனி காகினி ப்3ரோவ த்ரி-மூர்துலு
வெனுக தீஸிரட
ஸகல நதீ3 பதிகை த்3ருமகுல்யுல
ப்ரகட கீர்தி கல்கி3ன கோத3ண்ட3
பாணி ஸ்ரீ த்யாக3ராஜ வினுத நீ(கெவ)

எவரளித்தனரய்யா, வில்லம்புகள்
உனக்கு, பரிதி குலக்கடலின் மதியே?

அவதரித்த போழ்தே யிருந்தனவோ யன்றி
அவனிக்கு வந்தபின் தேட்டினையோ, ஓ இராமா?
உனக்கு எவரளித்தனரய்யா, வில்லம்புகள்,
பரிதி குலக்கடலின் மதியே?

ஒன்றெய்ய, பத்து, நூறாகி, ஆயிரமாகி,
திகைக்க வைத்து, எதிரிகளை அடக்கினவாம்;
ஒற்றைக் கண், காகத்தினைக் காக்க மும்மூர்த்திகளும்
அனைத்து நதிகளின் தலைவனுக்காக துருமகுலத்தினரை
உலகறிந்த புகழுடைத்த கோதண்டத்தினை
ஏந்துவோனே! தியாகராசனால் போற்றப் பெற்றோனே!
உனக்கு எவரளித்தனரய்யா, வில்லம்புகள்,
பரிதி குலக்கடலின் மதியே?

ஒன்றெய்ய - ஓரம்பெய்ய
காகம் - காகாசுரன்
நதிகளுக்குத் தலைவன் - வருணன் - கடலரசன்
அனைத்து நதிகளின் தலைவனுக்காக - கடலரசன் வேண்டுகோளுக்காக
துருமகுலத்தோர் - தற்போதைய இராசத்தான மாநிலப் பகுதிவாழ்வோர்


ప. ఎవరిచ్చిరిరా శర చాపములు
నీకిన కులాబ్ధి చంద్ర

అ. అవతరించు వేళనుండెనో లేక
అవనికేగి ఆర్జించితివో శ్రీ రామ నీ(కెవ)

చ. ఒకటేసి పది నూరై వెయ్యై
చెకపికలాడి శత్రులనణచెనట
వికలుని కాకిని బ్రోవ త్రి-మూర్తులు
వెనుక తీసిరట
సకల నదీ పతికై ద్రుమకుల్యుల
ప్రకట కీర్తి కల్గిన కోదండ
పాణి శ్రీ త్యాగరాజ వినుత నీ(కెవ)


ಪ. ಎವರಿಚ್ಚಿರಿರಾ ಶರ ಚಾಪಮುಲು
ನೀಕಿನ ಕುಲಾಬ್ಧಿ ಚಂದ್ರ

ಅ. ಅವತರಿಂಚು ವೇಳನುಂಡೆನೋ ಲೇಕ
ಅವನಿಕೇಗಿ ಆರ್ಜಿಂಚಿತಿವೋ ಶ್ರೀ ರಾಮ ನೀ(ಕೆವ)

ಚ. ಒಕಟೇಸಿ ಪದಿ ನೂರೈ ವೆಯ್ಯೈ
ಚೆಕಪಿಕಲಾಡಿ ಶತ್ರುಲನಣಚೆನಟ
ವಿಕಲುನಿ ಕಾಕಿನಿ ಬ್ರೋವ ತ್ರಿ-ಮೂರ್ತುಲು
ವೆನುಕ ತೀಸಿರಟ
ಸಕಲ ನದೀ ಪತಿಕೈ ದ್ರುಮಕುಲ್ಯುಲ
ಪ್ರಕಟ ಕೀರ್ತಿ ಕಲ್ಗಿನ ಕೋದಂಡ
ಪಾಣಿ ಶ್ರೀ ತ್ಯಾಗರಾಜ ವಿನುತ ನೀ(ಕೆವ)


പ. എവരിച്ചിരിരാ ശര ചാപമുലു
നീകിന കുലാബ്ധി ചന്ദ്ര

അ. അവതരിഞ്ചു വേളനുണ്ഡെനോ ലേക
അവനികേഗി ആര്ജിഞ്ചിതിവോ ശ്രീ രാമ നീ(കെവ)

ച. ഒകടേസി പദി നൂരൈ വെയ്യൈ
ചെകപികലാഡി ശത്രുലനണചെനട
വികലുനി കാകിനി ബ്രോവ ത്രി-മൂര്തുലു
വെനുക തീസിരട
സകല നദീ പതികൈ ദ്രുമകുല്യുല
പ്രകട കീര്തി കല്ഗിന കോദണ്ഡ
പാണി ശ്രീ ത്യാഗരാജ വിനുത നീ(കെവ)

Updated on 13 Feb 2009


  1. Good morning .pl send swaras also for alakallalla krithi madhyamavathi ragam

  2. Thank you so much, for compilation of kritis in almost all languages.
