Transliteration as per Modified Harvard-Kyoto (HK) Convention
(including Telugu letters – Short e, Short o) -
a A i I u U
e E ai o O au M (H or :)
(e – short E – Long o – short O – Long)
k kh g gh n/G
c ch j jh n/J (jn – as in jnAna)
T Th D Dh N
t th d dh n
p ph b bh m
y r l L v
S sh s h
ennaDO rakshincitE-saurAshTraM
In the kRti ‘ennaDO rakshincitE’ – rAga saurAshTraM (tALa Adi), SrI tyAgarAja asks Lord not to ignore him after showing compassion once.
ennaDO rakshincitE nIv(i)puD(I)
vaganu uNDa valenA
pannaga Sayana 1peddala sva-
bhAvam(i)Tl(u)NDaga bAguga nannE nIv(ennaDO)
caraNam 1
cIkaTi cEtanu gAsi jendi(y)I
lOkulu sakala karmamulakai mana
rAka koraku jUcedar(a)ni telisi
vibhAkaruDu madini
prAkaTamuga tA 2rAnu cellun(a)ni
vyAkuluDai ati vEgamunanu
vEkuva jAmuna tOshamu kalaganu
tA karuNan(3a)ruNuni panupa lEdA (ennaDO)
caraNam 2
nIru lEka sajjana gaNamulu mana
dArini jUcEr(a)nucu telisi
4kAvEri tAnu 2rAnu cellun(a)nucu
vicAra hRdayurAlai
sAreku vaccun(a)nucu santOshamu
vIrulak(e)llanu kalga paDamaTi
5mAruta cancalamula panipi
6celamal(U)ra cEya lEdA rAma (ennaDO)
caraNam 3
garvincina A rAvaNa bAdhalan-
(O)rva lEkanu vibhIshaNuDu ninnu
7sarva lOka SaraNyA vandanam(a)na
8nirvikAruDai nIvu
sarvadA rakshincedan(a)nucunu
9sArvabhauma lank(A)dhipatyamuna
10sarvajnuni lakshmaNun(11i)mm(a)nagA
12sarva sannuta tyAgarAjuni (ennaDO)
- O Lord reclining on the couch of SEsha!
- O Lord rAma!
- O Lord praised by everyone!
- Just because You protected me some time before, should You remain now in this manner?
- As the nature of great people being like this, just because You protected me well some time before, should You remain now in this manner?
- Realising that these people (of the Earth), vexed with darkness, are looking forward for his arrival, for discharge of all their duties,
- the Sun becoming worried in his mind that it will take time for him to come out openly,
- in order to bring joy to the people in the pre-dawn hours of the morning,
- did he not, compassionately and very quickly, send aruNa (as a harbinger)?
- Realising that, without water, pious people are looking forward for her arrival,
- river kAvEri, becoming worried that it will take time for her to come,
- in order to bring happiness to all these people (by assuring) that she would certainly come,
- did she not, by sending the Western breeze, make (river bed) water springs to well-up (as a harbinger)?
- Unable to bear the torments of that conceited rAvaNa,
- when vibhIshaNa called out to You ‘Salutations, O Refuge of all the Worlds!’,
- You, being dispassionate, declaring that 'I shall always protect (without discrimination as friend and foe'),
- asked all-knower, lakshmaNa to confer sovereign overlorship of lankA on vibhIshaNa.
- Realising that these people (of the Earth), vexed with darkness, are looking forward for his arrival, for discharge of all their duties,
- Just because You protected this tyAgarAja, well, some time before, should You now remain in this manner?
Word-by-word Meaning
ennaDO rakshincitE nIvu-ipuDu-I
vaganu uNDa valenA
Just because You protected (rakshincitE) me some time before (ennaDO), should You (nIvu) remain (uNDa valenA) now (ipuDu) in this (I) (nIvipuDI) manner (vaganunu)?
pannaga Sayana peddala sva-
bhAvamu-iTlu-uNDaga bAguga nannE nIvu-(ennaDO)
O Lord reclining (Sayana) on the couch of SEsha – the serpent (pannaga)! As the nature (svabhAvamu) of great people (peddala) being (uNDaga) like this (iTlu) (svabhAvamiTluNDaga),
just because You (nIvu) (nIvennaDO) protected me (nannE) well (bAguga) some time before, should You remain now in this manner?
caraNam 1
cIkaTi cEtanu gAsi jendi-I
lOkulu sakala karmamulakai mana
rAka koraku jUcedaru-ani telisi
vibhAkaruDu madini
prAkaTamuga tA rAnu cellunu-ani
vyAkuluDai ati vEgamunanu
vEkuva jAmuna tOshamu kalaganu
tA karuNanu-aruNuni panupa lEdA (ennaDO)
Realising (telisi) that (ani) these (I) people (lOkulu) (of the Earth), vexed (gAsi jendi) (jendiyI) with (cEtanu) darkness (cIkaTi),
are looking forward (jUcedaru) (jUcedarani) for my (mana) arrival (rAka koraku) for discharge of all (sakala) their duties (karmamulakai),
the Sun (vibhAkaruDu) becoming worried (vyAkuluDai) in his mind (madini) that (ani) it will take time (cellunu) for him (tA) to come out (rAnu) (cellunani) openly (prAkaTamuga) (literally publicly),
in order to bring (kalaganu) joy (tOshamu) to the people in the pre-dawn (vEkuva) hours (jAmuna) of the morning,
did he (tA) not (lEdA), compassionately (karuNanu) and very quickly (ati vEgamunanu) send (panupa) aruNa (aruNuni) (karuNanaruNuni) (as a harbinger)?
Therefore, O Lord rAma! Just because You protected me some time before, should You now remain in this manner?
caraNam 2
nIru lEka sajjana gaNamulu mana
dArini jUcEru-anucu telisi
kAvEri tAnu rAnu cellunu-anucu
vicAra hRdayurAlai
sAreku vaccunu-anucu santOshamu
vIrulaku-ellanu kalga paDamaTi
mAruta cancalamula panipi
celamala-Ura cEya lEdA rAma (ennaDO)
Realising (telisi) that (anucu), without (lEka) water (nIru), pious people (sajjana gaNamulu) are looking forward (jUcEru) (jUcEranucu) for my (mana) arrival (dArini) (literally path),
river kAvEri, becoming worried (vicAra hRdayurAlai) (literally worried in the mind or heart) that (anucu) it will take time (cellunu) (cellunanucu) for her (tAnu) to come (rAnu),
in order to bring (kalga) happiness (santOshamu) to all (ellanu) these people (vIrulaku) (vIrulakellanu) (by assuring) that (anucu) she (kAvEri) would certainly (sAreku) come (vaccunu) (vaccunanucu),
did she not (lEdA), by sending (panipi) the Western (paDamaTi) breeze (mAruta cancalamula) (literally wind breeze), make (cEya) (river bed) water springs (celamalu) to well-up (Ura) (celamalUra) (as a harbinger)?
Therefore, O Lord rAma! just because You protected me some time before, should You now remain in this manner?
caraNam 3
garvincina A rAvaNa bAdhalanu-
Orva lEkanu vibhIshaNuDu ninnu
sarva lOka SaraNyA vandanamu-ana
nirvikAruDai nIvu
sarvadA rakshincedanu-anucunu
sArvabhauma lankA-adhipatyamuna
sarvajnuni lakshmaNuni-immu-anagA
sarva sannuta tyAgarAjuni (ennaDO)
Unable to bear (Orva lEkanu) the torments (bAdhalanu) (bAdhalanOrva) of that (A) conceited (garvincina) rAvaNa,
when vibhIshaNa (vibhIshaNuDu) called out (ana) to You (ninnu) ‘Salutations (vandanamu) (vandanamana), O Refuge (SaraNyA) of all (sarva) the Worlds (lOka)!’,
You (nIvu), being dispassionate (nirvikAruDai), declaring (anucunu) that 'I shall always (sarvadA) protect (rakshincedanu) (rakshincedananucunu) (without discrimination as friend and foe'),
while You asked (anagA) the all-knower (sarvajnuni) lakshmaNa (lakshmaNuni) to confer (immu) (lakshmaNunimmanagA) sovereign (sArvabhauma) overlorship (Adhipatyamuna) of lankA (lankAdhipatyamuna) on vibhIshaNa,
O Lord praised (sannuta) by everyone (sarva)! just because You protected this tyAgarAja (tyAgarAjuni) well some time before, should You now remain in this manner?
Notes –
Variations –
6 – celama – in all the books this word is given as ‘calama’. As the meaning derived is ‘spring’, the correct telugu word for the same has been adopted.
References –
3 – aruNanu panupa – The story about aruNa becoming the charioteer of the Sun is contained in mahAbhArataM – Adi parva – Astika parva – Section 24.
4 – kAvEri – This story of kAvEri appears in tamizh ‘kanda purANaM’ written by kacciyappa sivAcArya’. story of kAvEri.
5 – mAruta cancalamu – During South West Monsoon, Tamil Nadu does not get much rain. However, during the month of AshADa (ADi) river kAvEri gets water consequent on rains in the Western Ghats. Even now, 18th day of ADi month is celebrated as ‘ADipperukku’ in Tamil Nadu. Before the water actually reaches, the Western breeze blows and springs well up in the river bed. This phenomenon is described here as a harbinger.
7 – sarva lOka SaraNya – SrI tyAgrAja uses the exact words as given in vAlmIki rAmayaNa, yuddha kANDa, Chapter 17.
nivEdayata mAM kshipraM rAghavAya mahAtmanE
sarva-lOka-SaraNyAya vibhIshaNam-upasthitaM 17
“Communicate to the high-souled SrI rAma who is capable of protecting all the worlds, the fact of myself, vibhIshaNa, being present.”
Comments -
1 – peddala svabhAvamiTluNDaga – the nature of great people being like this - SrI tyAgarAja cites three examples in the caraNas. SrI tyAgarAja, through these examples, asks the Lord to send a harbinger pending arrival of grace of the Lord.
2 – rAnu cellunu – In both caraNas, though contextually, these words mean 'it will take time for arrival', the exact meaning of the word 'cellunu', here, is not clear. However, according to the context, it has been translated as 'it will take time'.
6 – celama – People living on the bank of rivers draw drinking water not directly from the flowing water but by digging small pits in the river bed. Such pits dug for drawing water are called 'celama' (in Tamil 'UTru').
8 – nirvikAruDai – Generally this term is applied to brahman in the sense of 'immutability'. However, here it means dispassionate attitude of SrI rAma in protecting those who take refuge in Him without discrimination as friend and foe. This is made clear from the statement of SrI rAma in response to the call of vibhIshaNa (SrImad vAlmIki rAmAyaNa, yuddha kANDa, Chapter 18) – (refer ibid)
sakRdEva prapannAya tavAsmIti ca yAcatE
abhayaM sarva bhUtEbhyO dadAmi Etat vrataM mama
AnayainaM hari-SrEshTha dattam-asyAbhayaM mayA
vibhIshaNO vA sugrIva yadi vA rAvaNaH svayaM 33,34
“To him, who comes to me, even once, yearning for protection (from me) saying ‘I am yours’, I vouchsafe his security against all living beings; such is my vow.
Bring him (hither), O jewel among monkeys, be he vibhIshaNa or rAvaNa himself, O sugrIva! Security has (already) been granted in his favour by me."
9 – sArvabhauma – it is not clear whether SrI tyAgarAja uses this word as an epithet of the Lord or whether as a qualifier for the word ‘lankAdhipatyamu’ (sovereign overlordship of lankA). In view of flow of the kRti, this has been treated in latter sense. However, if this is used as an epithet of the Lord, then it would be translated as ‘O Universal Monarch! indeed You asked all-knower lakshmaNa to confer overlorship of lankA on vibhIshaNa’.
10 – sarvajna – the epithet used for lakshmaNa is significant and is in keeping with the epithet used for SrI rAma ‘nirvikAra’. lakshmaNa being the manifestation of SEsha – knew the secrets of SrI rAma’s actions – therefore, the epithet ‘all-knower’.
11 – immanagA – this word is to be connected to the pallavi to complete the sense.
12 – sarva sannuta – The action of SrI rAma in conferring the overlordship of lankA to vibhIshaNa even before the war effort commenced is reminiscent of the statement of SrI kRshNa in SrImad bhagavad gItA, Chapter 11 and therefore worthy of praise by everyone –
tasmAt-tvam-uttishTha yaSO labhasva
jitvA SatrUn bhunkshva rAjyaM samRddhaM
mayaivaitE nihatAH pUrvam-Eva
nimitta-mAtraM bhava savyasAcin 33
“Therefore, do thou arise and acquire fame. Conquer enemies, and enjoy the unrivalled dominion. Verily by Myself have they been already slain; be thou merely an apparent cause, O savyasAcin (arjuna).” (Translation by Swami Swarupananda)
ऎ,कॆ,चॆ.. - e,ke,ce..(short);
ए,के,चे.. - E,kE,cE..(long);
ऐ,कै,चै.. - ai,kai,cai..;
ऒ,कॊ,चॊ.. - o,ko,co..(short);
ओ,को,चो.. - O,kO,cO..(long);
औ,कौ,चौ.. -au,kau,cau..;
प. ऎन्नडो रक्षिञ्चिते नी(वि)पु(डी)
वगनु उण्ड वलॆना
अ. पन्नग शयन पॆद्दल स्व-
भाव(मि)(ट्लु)ण्डग बागुग नन्ने नी(वॆन्नडो)
च1. चीकटि चेतनु गासि जॆन्दि(यी)
लोकुलु सकल कर्ममुलकै मन
राक कॊरकु जूचॆद(र)नि तॆलिसि
विभा-करुडु मदिनि
प्राकटमुग ता रानु चॆल्लु(न)नि
व्याकुलुडै अति वेगमुननु
वेकुव जामुन तोषमु कलगनु
ता करुण(न)रुणुनि पनुप लेदा (ऎ)
च2. नीरु लेक सज्जन गणमुलु मन
दारिनि जूचे(र)नुचु तॆलिसि
कावेरि तानु रानु चॆल्लु(न)नुचु
विचार हृदयुरालै
सारॆकु वच्चु(न)नुचु सन्तोषमु
वीरुल(कॆ)ल्लनु कल्ग पडमटि
मारुत चञ्चलमुल पनिपि
चॆलमलूर चेय लेदा राम (ऎ)
च3. गर्विञ्चिन आ रावण बाधल-
(नो)र्व लेकनु विभीषणुडु निन्नु
सर्व लोक शरण्या वन्दन(म)न
निर्विकारुडै नीवु
सर्वदा रक्षिञ्चॆद(न)नुचुनु
सार्वभौम लं(का)धिपत्यमुन
सर्वज्ञुनि लक्ष्मणु(नि)(म्म)नगा
सर्व सन्नुत त्यागराजुनि (ऎ)
க,ச,ட,த,ப - 2-ख छ ठ थ फ; 3-ग ड द ब; 4-घ झ ढ ध भ
(ச3 - ஜ)
ஸ1 श - शिव - சிவன்
ரு2 ऋ - कृप - கிருபை
ப. என்னடோ3 ரக்ஷிஞ்சிதே நீ(வி)பு(டீ3)
வக3னு உண்ட3 வலெனா
அ. பன்னக3 ஸ1யன பெத்3த3ல ஸ்வ-
பா4வ(மி)ட்(லு)ண்ட3க3 பா3கு3க3 நன்னே நீ(வென்னடோ3)
ச1. சீகடி சேதனு கா3ஸி ஜெந்தி3(யீ)
லோகுலு ஸகல கர்மமுலகை மன
ராக கொரகு ஜூசெத3(ர)னி தெலிஸி
விபா4-கருடு3 மதி3னி
ப்ராகடமுக3 தா ரானு செல்லு(ன)னி
வ்யாகுலுடை3 அதி வேக3முனனு
வேகுவ ஜாமுன தோஷமு கலக3னு
தா கருண(ன)ருணுனி பனுப லேதா3 (எ)
ச2. நீரு லேக ஸஜ்ஜன க3ணமுலு மன
தா3ரினி ஜூசே(ர)னுசு தெலிஸி
காவேரி தானு ரானு செல்லு(ன)னுசு
விசார ஹ்ரு2த3யுராலை
ஸாரெகு வச்சு(ன)னுசு ஸந்தோஷமு
வீருல(கெ)ல்லனு கல்க3 பட3மடி
மாருத சஞ்சலமுல பனிபி
செலமலூர சேய லேதா3 ராம (எ)
ச3. க3ர்விஞ்சின ஆ ராவண பா3த4ல-
(னோ)ர்வ லேகனு விபீ4ஷணுடு3 நின்னு
ஸர்வ லோக ஸ1ரண்யா வந்த3ன(ம)ன
நிர்விகாருடை3 நீவு
ஸர்வதா3 ரக்ஷிஞ்செத3(ன)னுசுனு
ஸார்வபௌ4ம லங்(கா)தி4பத்யமுன
ஸர்வக்3ஞுனி லக்ஷ்மணு(னி)ம்(ம)னகா3
ஸர்வ ஸன்னுத த்யாக3ராஜுனி (எ)
என்றோ (என்னைக்) காத்ததனால், நீ இவ்வமயம்
இப்படியிருக்க வேண்டுமோ?
அரவணையோனே! பெரியோரின்
இயல்பு இப்படியிருக்க, நன்கு, என்னையே நீ
என்றோ காத்ததனால், இவ்வமயம்
இப்படியிருக்க வேண்டுமோ?
1. இருட்டினால் துயருற்று, இந்த
புவியோர், அனைத்து கருமங்களுக்கும், நமது
வரவினை எதிர்நோக்கியுள்ளனரெனத் தெரிந்து,
கதிரவன், தனது உள்ளத்தினில்,
வெளிப்படையாக, தான் வர நேரமாகுமென
கவலையுற்றவனாகி, மிக்கு விரைவாக,
விடியற் காலை வேளையில், மகிழ்ச்சி யூட்ட,
தான், கருணையுடன், அருணனை அனுப்பவில்லயா?
என்றோ (என்னைக்) காத்ததனால், நீ இவ்வமயம்
இப்படியிருக்க வேண்டுமோ?
2. நீரின்றி, நன்மக்கள், நமது
வழி நோக்கியுள்ளனர் என்றறிந்து,
காவிரி, தான் வரத் தாமதமாகுமென,
கவலை உள்ளத்தினளாகி,
தவறாது வருவாளென, மகிழ்ச்சியை
இம்மக்கள் யாவருக்கும் அளிக்க, மேற்கத்திய
இளங் காற்றினை அனுப்பி,
ஊற்றுக்களை ஊறச் செய்யவில்லையா, இராமா?
என்றோ (என்னைக்) காத்ததனால், நீ இவ்வமயம்
இப்படியிருக்க வேண்டுமோ?
3. செருக்குற்ற, அந்த இராவணனின் தொல்லைகள்
தாளவியலாது, விபீடணன், உன்னை,
'பல்லுலகிற்கும் புகலே! வந்தனம்' என,
பற்றற்றவனாகி, நீ,
'எவ்வமயமும் காப்போம்' என்று,
இலங்கையின் தன்னரசாட்சியை, (விபீடணனுக்கு)
யாவுமறிந்த, இலக்குவனிடம், அளிக்கச் சொல்ல,
யாவரும் போற்றுவோனே! தியாகராசனை
என்றோ காத்ததனால், நீ இவ்வமயம்
இப்படியிருக்க வேண்டுமோ?
பெரியோரின் இயல்பு இப்படியிருக்க - சரணங்களில் கூறியபடி
ஊற்றுக்கள் - ஆற்றுப் படுகையில்
பற்றற்ற - நண்பன், பகைவனென பாகுபாடற்ற
தன்னரசாட்சி - யாருக்கும் உட்படாத அரசு
ప. ఎన్నడో రక్షించితే నీవిపుడీ
వగను ఉండ వలెనా
అ. పన్నగ శయన పెద్దల స్వ-
భావమిట్లుండగ బాగుగ నన్నే నీ(వెన్నడో)
చ1. చీకటి చేతను గాసి జెందియీ
లోకులు సకల కర్మములకై మన
రాక కొరకు జూచెదరని తెలిసి
విభా-కరుడు మదిని
ప్రాకటముగ తా రాను చెల్లునని
వ్యాకులుడై అతి వేగమునను
వేకువ జామున తోషము కలగను
తా కరుణనరుణుని పనుప లేదా (ఎ)
చ2. నీరు లేక సజ్జన గణములు మన
దారిని జూచేరనుచు తెలిసి
కావేరి తాను రాను చెల్లుననుచు
విచార హృదయురాలై
సారెకు వచ్చుననుచు సంతోషము
వీరులకెల్లను కల్గ పడమటి
మారుత చంచలముల పనిపి
చెలమలూర చేయ లేదా రామ (ఎ)
చ3. గర్వించిన ఆ రావణ బాధల-
నోర్వ లేకను విభీషణుడు నిన్ను
సర్వ లోక శరణ్యా వందనమన
నిర్వికారుడై నీవు
సర్వదా రక్షించెదననుచును
సార్వభౌమ లంకాధిపత్యమున
సర్వజ్ఞుని లక్ష్మణునిమ్మనగా
సర్వ సన్నుత త్యాగరాజుని (ఎ)
ಪ. ಎನ್ನಡೋ ರಕ್ಷಿಂಚಿತೇ ನೀವಿಪುಡೀ
ವಗನು ಉಂಡ ವಲೆನಾ
ಅ. ಪನ್ನಗ ಶಯನ ಪೆದ್ದಲ ಸ್ವ-
ಭಾವಮಿಟ್ಲುಂಡಗ ಬಾಗುಗ ನನ್ನೇ ನೀ(ವೆನ್ನಡೋ)
ಚ1. ಚೀಕಟಿ ಚೇತನು ಗಾಸಿ ಜೆಂದಿಯೀ
ಲೋಕುಲು ಸಕಲ ಕರ್ಮಮುಲಕೈ ಮನ
ರಾಕ ಕೊರಕು ಜೂಚೆದರನಿ ತೆಲಿಸಿ
ವಿಭಾ-ಕರುಡು ಮದಿನಿ
ಪ್ರಾಕಟಮುಗ ತಾ ರಾನು ಚೆಲ್ಲುನನಿ
ವ್ಯಾಕುಲುಡೈ ಅತಿ ವೇಗಮುನನು
ವೇಕುವ ಜಾಮುನ ತೋಷಮು ಕಲಗನು
ತಾ ಕರುಣನರುಣುನಿ ಪನುಪ ಲೇದಾ (ಎ)
ಚ2. ನೀರು ಲೇಕ ಸಜ್ಜನ ಗಣಮುಲು ಮನ
ದಾರಿನಿ ಜೂಚೇರನುಚು ತೆಲಿಸಿ
ಕಾವೇರಿ ತಾನು ರಾನು ಚೆಲ್ಲುನನುಚು
ವಿಚಾರ ಹೃದಯುರಾಲೈ
ಸಾರೆಕು ವಚ್ಚುನನುಚು ಸಂತೋಷಮು
ವೀರುಲಕೆಲ್ಲನು ಕಲ್ಗ ಪಡಮಟಿ
ಮಾರುತ ಚಂಚಲಮುಲ ಪನಿಪಿ
ಚೆಲಮಲೂರ ಚೇಯ ಲೇದಾ ರಾಮ (ಎ)
ಚ3. ಗರ್ವಿಂಚಿನ ಆ ರಾವಣ ಬಾಧಲ-
ನೋರ್ವ ಲೇಕನು ವಿಭೀಷಣುಡು ನಿನ್ನು
ಸರ್ವ ಲೋಕ ಶರಣ್ಯಾ ವಂದನಮನ
ನಿರ್ವಿಕಾರುಡೈ ನೀವು
ಸರ್ವದಾ ರಕ್ಷಿಂಚೆದನನುಚುನು
ಸಾರ್ವಭೌಮ ಲಂಕಾಧಿಪತ್ಯಮುನ
ಸರ್ವಜ್ಞುನಿ ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮಣುನಿಮ್ಮನಗಾ
ಸರ್ವ ಸನ್ನುತ ತ್ಯಾಗರಾಜುನಿ (ಎ)
പ. എന്നഡോ രക്ഷിഞ്ചിതേ നീവിപുഡീ
വഗനു ഉണ്ഡ വലെനാ
അ. പന്നഗ ശയന പെദ്ദല സ്വ-
ഭാവമിട്ലുണ്ഡഗ ബാഗുഗ നന്നേ നീ(വെന്നഡോ)
ച1. ചീകടി ചേതനു ഗാസി ജെന്ദിയീ
ലോകുലു സകല കര്മമുലകൈ മന
രാക കൊരകു ജൂചെദരനി തെലിസി
വിഭാ-കരുഡു മദിനി
പ്രാകടമുഗ താ രാനു ചെല്ലുനനി
വ്യാകുലുഡൈ അതി വേഗമുനനു
വേകുവ ജാമുന തോഷമു കലഗനു
താ കരുണനരുണുനി പനുപ ലേദാ (എ)
ച2. നീരു ലേക സജ്ജന ഗണമുലു മന
ദാരിനി ജൂചേരനുചു തെലിസി
കാവേരി താനു രാനു ചെല്ലുനനുചു
വിചാര ഹൃദയുരാലൈ
സാരെകു വച്ചുനനുചു സന്തോഷമു
വീരുലകെല്ലനു കല്ഗ പഡമടി
മാരുത ചഞ്ചലമുല പനിപി
ചെലമലൂര ചേയ ലേദാ രാമ (എ)
ച3. ഗര്വിഞ്ചിന ആ രാവണ ബാധല-
നോര്വ ലേകനു വിഭീഷണുഡു നിന്നു
സര്വ ലോക ശരണ്യാ വന്ദനമന
നിര്വികാരുഡൈ നീവു
സര്വദാ രക്ഷിഞ്ചെദനനുചുനു
സാര്വഭൌമ ലങ്കാധിപത്യമുന
സര്വജ്ഞുനി ലക്ഷ്മണുനിമ്മനഗാ
സര്വ സന്നുത ത്യാഗരാജുനി (എ)
Updated on 16 Feb 2011
Dear Sri Govindan
ReplyDeleteCaraNam 1 - For panupu you have given the meaning as ' to send'. 'pampu' is generally used to mean 'to send'. I notice that 'panupu' is an alternate form of 'panucu' which means 'niyOgintcu' which does not appear to fit in.
Sri Govindaswamy,
ReplyDelete'panupu' also means 'send'. Please refer to panupu
V Govindan