Transliteration as per Modified Harvard-Kyoto (HK) Convention
(including Telugu letters – Short e, Short o) -
a A i I u U
e E ai o O au M (H or :)
(e – short E – Long o – short O – Long)
k kh g gh n/G
c ch j jh n/J (jn – as in jnAna)
T Th D Dh N
t th d dh n
p ph b bh m
y r l L v
S sh s h
SrI rAma rAmASritulamu-sAvEri
In the kRti ‘SrI rAma rAmASritulamu’ – rAga sAvEri (tALa cApu), SrI tyAgarAja exhorts his mind to strive for emancipation.
SrI rAma rAm(A)Sritulamu kAmA
nErAmA brOva bhAramA
caraNam 1
manasA nA mATa vini sAreku
mukti kanumI 1mancid(a)numI (SrI)
caraNam 2
2palu vidha karmambula(y)andu marmamu
telusukO 3harini kalusukO (SrI)
caraNam 3
lOkulu 4tama trOva(y)Ekam(a)nduru
5oppukOkavE mOsa pOkavE (SrI)
caraNam 4
mATi mATiki nUne rOTi(y)eddulu tirugu
dATi rA 6matam(E) pATirA (SrI)
caraNam 5
A matamula(y)andu nEmamu
satyamu Emara pOku pAmara (SrI)
caraNam 6
gat(y)ntaramu lEdu prat(y)Ekamuna jUDu
nityuni 7kRta-kRtyuni (SrI)
caraNam 7
toli bhava nATakamula jEyu pApamu
tolagunu sukhamu kalugunu (SrI)
caraNam 8
nA talapuna(n)uNDu SrIduni manas(e)ndu
mIdanO evari bOdhanO (SrI)
caraNam 9
8jADa telusukoni vEDukonna nannu
jUDaDu mAT(A)DaDu (SrI)
9caraNam 10
krOdha lObhamulatO bAdhincina
ArAdhanO lEka SOdhanO (SrI)
caraNam 11
sadayuni ciru navvu vadanuni pada bhakti
vadalanu endu kadalanu (SrI)
10caraNam 12
nEmamuga toli nOmuna dorikina
rAmuni jita kAmuni (SrI)
10caraNam 13
SIluni sad-guNa SAlini jUcuTE
cAlunu anyam(E)lanu (SrI)
caraNam 14
vala rAja janakuni valacudun(a)ni pEra
kOlutunu yamuni gelutunu (SrI)
caraNam 15
nA jayamunu tyAgarAjuni 11rAj(A)dhi-
rAjunaku 12kUrtu rAjini (SrI)
- O Lord SrI rAma -
- Eternal Lord;
- Accomplisher;
- Bestower of prosperity;
- Merciful Lord;
- Father of cupid;
- Conquerer of desires;
- Overlord of this tyAgarAja;
- who has a smiling face;
- who has good conduct;
- who is virtuous by nature; and
- who has been found because of earlier austerities performed with self-control.
- Eternal Lord;
- Aren’t we Your dependents?
- Is there any fault from our side?
- Or, is protecting us burdensome?
- O My Mind! O Fool!
- Always, listening to my words, attain liberation.
- Say ‘yes’ (to what I say).
- Understand the secret behind various kinds of vEdic actions.
- Consult Lord hari.
- People will assert that their path is the only one; do not accept.
- Don’t be deceived.
- Only oil-press bullocks will circle again and again; get out.
- Of what value these paths are?
- Don't forget self control and truth by getting into those paths.
- There is no other alternative.
- In each and everything, behold SrI rAma.
- (If You do so,) sins committed earlier, in the drama of (cycle of births and deaths in) Worldly Existence, will come to end, and
- You will attain peace.
- Always, listening to my words, attain liberation.
- I do not know where is the attention of SrI rAma who is always in my thoughts?
- I do not know whose instigation is it?
- I besought Him understanding His cue, but,
- He would neither look at me nor speak to me.
- Is my propitiation tainted with anger and avarice? Or,
- Is it a test by Him?
- I shall not give up devotion to the feet of SrI rAma.
- Neither shall I move away (from this place).
- It is enough just to behold Lord SrI rAma.
- Why do I need anything else?
- I shall extol His names with conviction that I shall love SrI rAma, and thereby, vanquish yama.
- I shall willingly add my victory to (the appellations of) SrI rAma.
Word-by-word Meaning
SrI rAma rAma-ASritulamu kAmA
nErAmA brOva bhAramA
O Lord SrI rAma! O Lord rAma! Aren’t we (kamA) Your dependents (ASritulamu) (rAmASritulamu)? Is there any fault (nEramA) from our side? Or, is protecting (brOva) us burdensome (bhAramA)?
caraNam 1
manasA nA mATa vini sAreku
mukti kanumI mancidi-anumI (SrI)
O My Mind (manasA)! Always (sAreku) listening (vini) to my (nA) words (mATa), attain (kanumI) (literally find) liberation (mukti).
Say (anumI) ‘yes’ (mancidi) (mancidanumI) (to what I say).
caraNam 2
palu vidha karmambula-andu marmamu
telusukO harini kalusukO (SrI)
Understand (telusukO) the secret (marmamu) behind (andu) (literally in) various (palu) kinds (vidha) of vEdic actions (karmambula) (karmambulayandu); consult (kalusukO) Lord hari (harini).
caraNam 3
lOkulu tama trOva-Ekamu-anduru
oppukOkavE mOsa pOkavE (SrI)
People (lOkulu) will assert (anduru) (literally say) that their (tama) path (trOva) is the only one (Ekamu) (trOvayEkamanduru); do not accept (oppukOkavE); don’t be (pOkavE) deceived (mOsa).
caraNam 4
mATi mATiki nUne rOTi-eddulu tirugu
dATi rA matamu-E pATirA (SrI)
Only oil (nUne) press (rOlu) bullocks (eddulu) (rOTiyeddulu) will circle (tirugu) again and again (mATi mATiki);
get out (dATi rA) (literally cross over); of what (E) value (pATirA) these paths (matamu) (matamE) are?
caraNam 5
A matamula-andu nEmamu
satyamu Emara pOku pAmara (SrI)
O Fool (pAmara)! Don't forget (Emara pOku) self control (nEmamu) and truth (satyamu) by getting into (andu) those (A) paths (matamula) (matamulayandu).
caraNam 6
gati-antaramu lEdu prati-Ekamuna jUDu
nityuni kRta-kRtyuni (SrI)
There is no (lEdu) other (antaramu) alternative (gati) (gatyantaramu); in each and everything (prati Ekamuna) (pratyEkamuna), behold (jUDu) the Eternal Lord (nityuni) and the Accomplisher (kRta-kRtyuni).
caraNam 7
toli bhava nATakamula jEyu pApamu
tolagunu sukhamu kalugunu (SrI)
(If You behold the Eternal Lord in each and everything), sins (pApamu) committed (jEyu) earlier (toli) in the drama (nATakamula) of (cycle of births and deaths in) Worldly Existence (bhava), will come to end (tolagunu) and You will attain (kalugunu) peace (sukhamu).
caraNam 8
nA talapuna-uNDu SrIduni manasu-endu
mIdanO evari bOdhanO (SrI)
I do not know where (endu mIdanO) (literally on what) is the attention (manasu) (literally mind) (manasendu) of the Lord – bestower (da) of prosperity (SrI) (Sriduni) - who is (uNDu) always in my (nA) thoughts (talapuna) (talapunanuNDu)? I do not know whose (evari) instigation (bOdhanO) is it?
caraNam 9
jADa telusukoni vEDukonna nannu
jUDaDu mATa-ADaDu (SrI)
He would neither look (jUDaDu) at me (nannu) nor speak (mATa ADaDu) (mATADaDu) to me who besought (vEDukonna) Him understanding (telusukoni) His cue (jADa).
caraNam 10
krOdha lObhamulatO bAdhincina
ArAdhanO lEka SOdhanO (SrI)
Is my propitiation (ArAdhanO) tainted (bAdhincina) with anger (krOdha) and avarice (lObhamulatO) or (lEka) is it a test (SOdhanO) by Him?
caraNam 11
sadayuni ciru navvu vadanuni pada bhakti
vadalanu endu kadalanu (SrI)
I shall not give up (vadalanu) devotion (bhakti) to the feet (pada) of the Merciful Lord (sadayuni) – having smiling (ciru navvu) face (vadanuni); neither shall I move (kadalanu) (literally stir) away (endu) (from this place).
caraNam 12
nEmamuga toli nOmuna dorikina
rAmuni jita kAmuni (SrI)
caraNam 13
SIluni sad-guNa SAlini jUcuTE
cAlunu anyamu-Elanu (SrI)
It is enough (cAlunu) just to behold (jUcuTE) Lord rAma (rAmuni) -
conquerer (jita) of desires (kAmuni),
who has good conduct (SIluni),
who is virtuous by nature (sad-guNa SAlini),
who has been found (dorikina) because of earlier (toli) austerities (nOmuna) performed with self-control (nEmamuga).
Why (Elanu) do I need anything else (anyamu) (anyamElanu)?
caraNam 14
vala rAja janakuni valacudunu-ani pEra
kOlutunu yamuni gelutunu (SrI)
I shall extol (kolutunu) His names (pEra) with conviction that (ani) I shall love (valacudunu) (valacudunani) SrI rAma – Father (janakuni) of cupid – the Lord (rAja) of Love (vala), and thereby, vanquish (gelutunu) yama (yamuni).
caraNam 15
nA jayamunu tyAgarAjuni rAja-adhi-
rAjunaku kUrtu rAjini (SrI)
I shall willingly (rAjini) add (kUrtu) my (nA) victory (jayamunu) to (the appellations of) SrI rAma – Overlord - Lord (adhirAjunaku) of Kings (rAja) (rAjAdhirAjunaku) - of this tyAgarAja (tyAgarAjuni);
O Lord SrI rAma! O Lord rAma! Aren’t we Your dependents? Is there any fault from our side? Or, is protecting us burdensome?
Notes –
Variations -
5 – oppukOkavE – jeppukOkavE. In the present context, ‘oppukOkavE’ seems to be appropriate.
11 – rAjAdhirAjunaku – rAjAdhi rAjunu. In the present context, 'rAjAdhirAjunaku' – seem to be appropriate.
References -
2 - palu vidha karmambulu marmamu telusukO – Understand the secret behind various kinds of vEdic actions. In this regard, SrImad- bhagavad-gIta, Chapter 3 is relevant –
yajnArthAt-karmaNO-(a)nyatra lOkO-(a)yaM karma bandhanaH
tad-arthaM karma kauntEya mukta sangaH samAcara 9
“The world is bound by actions other than those performed for the sake of yajna; do thou, therefore, O son of kuntI, perform action for yajna alone, devoid of attachment.” (Translation by Swami Swarupananda)
Further, SrI tyAgarAja, in the kRti ‘nI bhakti bhAgya sudhA’ brings out this clearly – vEdOktambau karmamu vetagalgu gatAgatamau - The path of religious rites as propounded in vEdas (if not performed with detachment) results in distressing repeated embodiments.
7 – kRta-kRtya – Accomplisher. In many kRtis, SrI tyAgarAja calls the Lord ‘pUrNa kAma’ - One whose desires have been fulfilled. In this regard, please refer to SrImad-bhagavad-gItA, Chapter 3 –
na mE pArthAsti kartavyaM trishu lOkEshu kincana
nAnavAptavyam-avAptavyaM varta Eva ca karmaNi 22
“I have, O son of pRthA, no duty, nothing that I have not gained; and nothing that I have to gain, in the three worlds; yet I continue in action.” (Translation by Swami Swarupananda)
Comments -
General –This kRti is a mixture of epithets (pallavi), exhortation to his mind – caraNas 1 to 7 – and indirect dialogue with Lord (in third person) – caraNas 8 to 15 – about his religious observances and intentions.
The exhortations (caraNas 1 to 7) contained in the kriti are contextual and are not fully amplified. Therefore, it makes a faithful rendering of the meanings very difficult. The traditional meanings as contained in the books are at variance with one another and there is no uniformity. Therefore, there may be errors in the meanings given here.
1 – mancidanumI – It is a colloquial usage to say ‘mancidi’ to mean ‘yes’.
3 – harini kalusukO – Though this can be translated as ‘be united with hari’, in the present context, ‘consult hari’ seems to be more appropriate. But such actions are subjective experiences and cannot be explained intellectually.
4 – tama trOva Ekamu – theirs is the only path – This might refer to what is stated in caraNa 2 – ‘karmambulu’. SrI tyAgarAja asks his mind to go for the substance and not form.
6 – matamu – opinions (or sects) – It is possible that SrI tyAgarAja refers to certain esoteric forms of worship like 'kaula mArga' etc.
8 – jADa telusukoni – this may either be applied to SrI tyAgarAja or to the Lord.
9 – Unless the context is known, this caraNa cannot be translated meaningfully.
10 – caraNas 12 and 13 have to be taken together; otherwise, caraNa 12 is incomplete by itself.
12 – kUrtu – In the books this word has been translated as 'surrender', 'dedicate'. However, 'kUrtu' does not seem to have any such meaning. This has been translated as ‘add’ (to the appellations of the Lord).
ऎ,कॆ,चॆ.. - e,ke,ce..(short);
ए,के,चे.. - E,kE,cE..(long);
ऐ,कै,चै.. - ai,kai,cai..;
ऒ,कॊ,चॊ.. - o,ko,co..(short);
ओ,को,चो.. - O,kO,cO..(long);
औ,कौ,चौ.. -au,kau,cau..;
प. श्री राम रा(मा)श्रितुलमु कामा
नेरमा ब्रोव भारमा
च1. मनसा ना माट विनि सारॆकु
मुक्ति कनुमी मञ्चि(द)नुमी (श्री)
च2. पलु विध कर्मम्बुल(य)न्दु मर्ममु
तॆलुसुको हरिनि कलुसुको (श्री)
च3. लोकुलु तम त्रोव(ये)क(म)न्दुरु
ऒप्पुकोकवे मोस पोकवे (श्री)
च4. माटि माटिकि नूनॆ रोटि(यॆ)द्दुलु तिरुगु
धाटि रा मत(मे) पाटिरा (श्री)
च5. आ मतमुल(य)न्दु नेममु
सत्यमु एमर पोकु पामर (श्री)
च6. ग(त्य)न्तरमु लेदु प्र(त्ये)कमुन जूडु
नित्युनि कृत-कृत्युनि (श्री)
च7. तॊलि भव नाटकमुल जेयु पापमु
तॊलगुनु सुखमु कलुगुनु (श्री)
च8. ना तलपुन(नु)ण्डु श्री-दुनि मन(सॆ)न्दु
मीदनो ऎवरि बोधनो (श्री)
च9. जाड तॆलुसुकॊनि वेडुकॊन्न नन्नु
जूडडु मा(टा)डडु (श्री)
च10. क्रोध लोभमुलतो बाधिञ्चिन
आराधनो लेक शोधनो (श्री)
च11. सदयुनि चिरु नव्वु वदनुनि पद भक्ति
वदलनु ऎन्दु कदलनु (श्री)
च12. नेममुग तॊलि नोमुन दॊरिकिन
रामुनि जित कामुनि (श्री)
च13. शीलुनि सद्गुण शालिनि जूचुटे
चालुनु अन्य(मे)लनु (श्री)
च14. वल राज जनकुनि वलचुदु(न)नि पेर
कॊलुतुनु यमुनि गॆलुतुनु (श्री)
च15. ना जयमुनु त्यागराजुनि रा(जा)धि-
राजुनकु कूर्तु राजिनि (श्री)
க,ச,ட,த,ப - 2-ख छ ठ थ फ; 3-ग ड द ब; 4-घ झ ढ ध भ
(ச3 - ஜ)
ஸ1 श - शिव - சிவன்
ரு2 ऋ - कृप - கிருபை
ப. ஸ்ரீ ராம ரா(மா)ஸ்1ரிதுலமு காமா
நேரமா ப்3ரோவ பா4ரமா
ச1. மனஸா நா மாட வினி ஸாரெகு
முக்தி கனுமீ மஞ்சி(த3)னுமீ (ஸ்ரீ)
ச2. பலு வித4 கர்மம்பு3ல(ய)ந்து3 மர்மமு
தெலுஸுகோ ஹரினி கலுஸுகோ (ஸ்ரீ)
ச3. லோகுலு தம த்ரோவ(யே)க(ம)ந்து3ரு
ஒப்புகோகவே மோஸ போகவே (ஸ்ரீ)
ச4. மாடி மாடிகி நூனெ ரோடி(யெ)த்3து3லு திருகு3
தா4டி ரா மத(மே) பாடிரா (ஸ்ரீ)
ச5. ஆ மதமுல(ய)ந்து3 நேமமு
ஸத்யமு ஏமர போகு பாமர (ஸ்ரீ)
ச6. க3(த்ய)ந்தரமு லேது3 ப்ர(த்யே)கமுன ஜூடு3
நித்யுனி க்ரு2த-க்ரு2த்யுனி (ஸ்ரீ)
ச7. தொலி ப4வ நாடகமுல ஜேயு பாபமு
தொலகு3னு ஸுக2மு கலுகு3னு (ஸ்ரீ)
ச8. நா தலபுன(னு)ண்டு3 ஸ்ரீ-து3னி மன(ஸெ)ந்து3
மீத3னோ எவரி போ3த4னோ (ஸ்ரீ)
ச9. ஜாட3 தெலுஸுகொனி வேடு3கொன்ன நன்னு
ஜூட3டு3 மா(டா)ட3டு3 (ஸ்ரீ)
ச10. க்ரோத4 லோப4முலதோ பா3தி4ஞ்சின
ஆராத4னோ லேக ஸோ1த4னோ (ஸ்ரீ)
ச11. ஸத3யுனி சிரு நவ்வு வத3னுனி பத3 ப4க்தி
வத3லனு எந்து3 கத3லனு (ஸ்ரீ)
ச12. நேமமுக3 தொலி நோமுன தொ3ரிகின
ராமுனி ஜித காமுனி (ஸ்ரீ)
ச13. ஸீ1லுனி ஸத்3-கு3ண ஸா1லினி ஜூசுடே
சாலுனு அன்ய(மே)லனு (ஸ்ரீ)
ச14. வல ராஜ ஜனகுனி வலசுது3(ன)னி பேர
கொலுதுனு யமுனி கெ3லுதுனு (ஸ்ரீ)
ச15. நா ஜயமுனு த்யாக3ராஜுனி ரா(ஜா)தி4-
ராஜுனகு கூர்து ராஜினி (ஸ்ரீ)
இராமா! இராமா! (உன்னை) நம்பினவர்கள் அல்லவா!
தவறேதுமுளதோ? காத்தல் பளுவா?
1. மனமே! என் சொல்லைக் கேட்டு, எவ்வமயமும்,
முத்தி காணேன்; 'நல்லது' என்று சொல்லேன்;
2. பலவிதமான (வேத) கருமங்களில் உட்பொருள்
அறிந்துகொள்; அரியைக் கலந்து கொள்;
3. உலகோர் தமது நெறியொன்றே (உண்டு) என்பர்;
ஒப்புக்கொள்ளாதே; மோசம் போகாதே;
4. திரும்பத்திரும்ப செக்கு மாடுகள்தான் சுற்றும்;
கடந்து வா; அந்நெறிகளினால் என்ன பயன்?
5. அந்நெறிகளில் (சென்று) கட்டுப்பாட்டினையும்,
உண்மையினையும் மறந்து போகாதே, அறிவிலியே!
6. போக்கு வேறில்லை; ஒவ்வொன்றிலும், காண்பாய்
அழிவற்றோனை, யாவற்றையும் சாதித்தவனை;
7. முன்னர், பிறவிக்கடலெனும் நாடகத்தில் செய்த பாவங்கள்
தொலையும்; சுகம் உண்டாகும்;
8. எனது நினைவிலுறையும் சீரருள்வோனின் மனது எதன்
மீதோ? யாருடைய போதனையோ?
9. (இறைவனின்) குறிப்பறிந்து, வேண்டிக்கொண்ட என்னைப்
பார்க்கமாட்டான்; பேசமாட்டான்;
10. (இது) சினத்தினாலும், பேராசையாலும் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட
வழிபாடோயன்றி (அவன்) சோதனையோ?
11. கருணையுள்ளத்தோனின், புன்னகை வதனனின் திருவடிப்
பற்றினை விடமாட்டேன்; எங்கும் நகரமாட்டேன்;
(12, 13) கட்டுப்பாட்டுடன், முந்தைய நோன்பினால் கிடைத்த
இராமனை, பற்று வென்றோனை,
நல்லொழுக்கத்தோனை, நற்பண்பு இயல்பினனைக்
காண்பதுவே போதும்; மற்றவையெதற்கு?
14. காதல் மன்னனை யீன்றோனைக் காதலிப்பேனென,
(அவன்) பெயரைப் போற்றுவேன்; நமனை வெல்வேன்;
15. எனது வெற்றியினை இத்தியாகராசனின் பேரரசனுக்கு
சேர்ப்பேன், சம்மதத்துடன்;
இராமா! இராமா! (உன்னை) நம்பினவர்கள் அல்லவா!
தவறேதுமுளதோ? காத்தல் பளுவா?
நல்லது - ஒப்புதலளித்தல்
காதல் மன்னன் - காமன்
வெற்றியினைச் சேர்ப்பேன் - இறைவனின் விருதுப் பட்டியலில்
ప. శ్రీ రామ రామాశ్రితులము కామా
నేరమా బ్రోవ భారమా
చ1. మనసా నా మాట విని సారెకు
ముక్తి కనుమీ మంచిదనుమీ (శ్రీ)
చ2. పలు విధ కర్మంబులయందు మర్మము
తెలుసుకో హరిని కలుసుకో (శ్రీ)
చ3. లోకులు తమ త్రోవయేకమందురు
ఒప్పుకోకవే మోస పోకవే (శ్రీ)
చ4. మాటి మాటికి నూనె రోటియెద్దులు తిరుగు
ధాటి రా మతమే పాటిరా (శ్రీ)
చ5. ఆ మతములయందు నేమము
సత్యము ఏమర పోకు పామర (శ్రీ)
చ6. గత్యంతరము లేదు ప్రత్యేకమున జూడు
నిత్యుని కృత-కృత్యుని (శ్రీ)
చ7. తొలి భవ నాటకముల జేయు పాపము
తొలగును సుఖము కలుగును (శ్రీ)
చ8. నా తలపుననుండు శ్రీ-దుని మనసెందు
మీదనో ఎవరి బోధనో (శ్రీ)
చ9. జాడ తెలుసుకొని వేడుకొన్న నన్ను
జూడడు మాటాడడు (శ్రీ)
చ10. క్రోధ లోభములతో బాధించిన
ఆరాధనో లేక శోధనో (శ్రీ)
చ11. సదయుని చిరు నవ్వు వదనుని పద భక్తి
వదలను ఎందు కదలను (శ్రీ)
చ12. నేమముగ తొలి నోమున దొరికిన
రాముని జిత కాముని (శ్రీ)
చ13. శీలుని సద్గుణ శాలిని జూచుటే
చాలును అన్యమేలను (శ్రీ)
చ14. వల రాజ జనకుని వలచుదునని పేర
కొలుతును యముని గెలుతును (శ్రీ)
చ15. నా జయమును త్యాగరాజుని రాజాధి-
రాజునకు కూర్తు రాజిని (శ్రీ)
ಪ. ಶ್ರೀ ರಾಮ ರಾಮಾಶ್ರಿತುಲಮು ಕಾಮಾ
ನೇರಮಾ ಬ್ರೋವ ಭಾರಮಾ
ಚ1. ಮನಸಾ ನಾ ಮಾಟ ವಿನಿ ಸಾರೆಕು
ಮುಕ್ತಿ ಕನುಮೀ ಮಂಚಿದನುಮೀ (ಶ್ರೀ)
ಚ2. ಪಲು ವಿಧ ಕರ್ಮಂಬುಲಯಂದು ಮರ್ಮಮು
ತೆಲುಸುಕೋ ಹರಿನಿ ಕಲುಸುಕೋ (ಶ್ರೀ)
ಚ3. ಲೋಕುಲು ತಮ ತ್ರೋವಯೇಕಮಂದುರು
ಒಪ್ಪುಕೋಕವೇ ಮೋಸ ಪೋಕವೇ (ಶ್ರೀ)
ಚ4. ಮಾಟಿ ಮಾಟಿಕಿ ನೂನೆ ರೋಟಿಯೆದ್ದುಲು ತಿರುಗು
ಧಾಟಿ ರಾ ಮತಮೇ ಪಾಟಿರಾ (ಶ್ರೀ)
ಚ5. ಆ ಮತಮುಲಯಂದು ನೇಮಮು
ಸತ್ಯಮು ಏಮರ ಪೋಕು ಪಾಮರ (ಶ್ರೀ)
ಚ6. ಗತ್ಯಂತರಮು ಲೇದು ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕಮುನ ಜೂಡು
ನಿತ್ಯುನಿ ಕೃತ-ಕೃತ್ಯುನಿ (ಶ್ರೀ)
ಚ7. ತೊಲಿ ಭವ ನಾಟಕಮುಲ ಜೇಯು ಪಾಪಮು
ತೊಲಗುನು ಸುಖಮು ಕಲುಗುನು (ಶ್ರೀ)
ಚ8. ನಾ ತಲಪುನನುಂಡು ಶ್ರೀ-ದುನಿ ಮನಸೆಂದು
ಮೀದನೋ ಎವರಿ ಬೋಧನೋ (ಶ್ರೀ)
ಚ9. ಜಾಡ ತೆಲುಸುಕೊನಿ ವೇಡುಕೊನ್ನ ನನ್ನು
ಜೂಡಡು ಮಾಟಾಡಡು (ಶ್ರೀ)
ಚ10. ಕ್ರೋಧ ಲೋಭಮುಲತೋ ಬಾಧಿಂಚಿನ
ಆರಾಧನೋ ಲೇಕ ಶೋಧನೋ (ಶ್ರೀ)
ಚ11. ಸದಯುನಿ ಚಿರು ನವ್ವು ವದನುನಿ ಪದ ಭಕ್ತಿ
ವದಲನು ಎಂದು ಕದಲನು (ಶ್ರೀ)
ಚ12. ನೇಮಮುಗ ತೊಲಿ ನೋಮುನ ದೊರಿಕಿನ
ರಾಮುನಿ ಜಿತ ಕಾಮುನಿ (ಶ್ರೀ)
ಚ13. ಶೀಲುನಿ ಸದ್ಗುಣ ಶಾಲಿನಿ ಜೂಚುಟೇ
ಚಾಲುನು ಅನ್ಯಮೇಲನು (ಶ್ರೀ)
ಚ14. ವಲ ರಾಜ ಜನಕುನಿ ವಲಚುದುನನಿ ಪೇರ
ಕೊಲುತುನು ಯಮುನಿ ಗೆಲುತುನು (ಶ್ರೀ)
ಚ15. ನಾ ಜಯಮುನು ತ್ಯಾಗರಾಜುನಿ ರಾಜಾಧಿ-
ರಾಜುನಕು ಕೂರ್ತು ರಾಜಿನಿ (ಶ್ರೀ)
പ. ശ്രീ രാമ രാമാശ്രിതുലമു കാമാ
നേരമാ ബ്രോവ ഭാരമാ
ച1. മനസാ നാ മാട വിനി സാരെകു
മുക്തി കനുമീ മഞ്ചിദനുമീ (ശ്രീ)
ച2. പലു വിധ കര്മമ്ബുലയന്ദു മര്മമു
തെലുസുകോ ഹരിനി കലുസുകോ (ശ്രീ)
ച3. ലോകുലു തമ ത്രോവയേകമന്ദുരു
ഒപ്പുകോകവേ മോസ പോകവേ (ശ്രീ)
ച4. മാടി മാടികി നൂനെ രോടിയെദ്ദുലു തിരുഗു
ധാടി രാ മതമേ പാടിരാ (ശ്രീ)
ച5. ആ മതമുലയന്ദു നേമമു
സത്യമു ഏമര പോകു പാമര (ശ്രീ)
ച6. ഗത്യന്തരമു ലേദു പ്രത്യേകമുന ജൂഡു
നിത്യുനി കൃത-കൃത്യുനി (ശ്രീ)
ച7. തൊലി ഭവ നാടകമുല ജേയു പാപമു
തൊലഗുനു സുഖമു കലുഗുനു (ശ്രീ)
ച8. നാ തലപുനനുണ്ഡു ശ്രീ-ദുനി മനസെന്ദു
മീദനോ എവരി ബോധനോ (ശ്രീ)
ച9. ജാഡ തെലുസുകൊനി വേഡുകൊന്ന നന്നു
ജൂഡഡു മാടാഡഡു (ശ്രീ)
ച10. ക്രോധ ലോഭമുലതോ ബാധിഞ്ചിന
ആരാധനോ ലേക ശോധനോ (ശ്രീ)
ച11. സദയുനി ചിരു നവ്വു വദനുനി പദ ഭക്തി
വദലനു എന്ദു കദലനു (ശ്രീ)
ച12. നേമമുഗ തൊലി നോമുന ദൊരികിന
രാമുനി ജിത കാമുനി (ശ്രീ)
ച13. ശീലുനി സദ്ഗുണ ശാലിനി ജൂചുടേ
ചാലുനു അന്യമേലനു (ശ്രീ)
ച14. വല രാജ ജനകുനി വലചുദുനനി പേര
കൊലുതുനു യമുനി ഗെലുതുനു (ശ്രീ)
ച15. നാ ജയമുനു ത്യാഗരാജുനി രാജാധി-
രാജുനകു കൂര്തു രാജിനി (ശ്രീ)
Updated on 21 Jan 2011
Dear Sri Govindan
ReplyDeleteCaraNam 9- vEDukonna is given as vEDukOnna in all language versions.
caraNam 14 – I am unable to understand fully the interpretation given by you and how you have taken the following meanings. உறுதி பூண்டு with conviction.
I shall extol His names (அவன் பெயரினை வழிபடுவேன்) are the meanings given. Should not this word be ‘pEru’ to give this meaning. Can pEra mean ‘ by specifically menioninh His name’ (பெயரைக்குறிப்பிட்டு)?
Do these meanings make sense?
1 அவனைக் காதலிப்பேன் என்னும் பெயரில் (சாக்கில்) வழிபடுவேன்.
2 I will extol Him under the guise of loving Him.
Dear Sri Govindaswami,
ReplyDeleteI have corrected the error in Language Version 'vEDukonna'.
Regarding caraNam 14, I am myself not very happy about the meaning of the caraNam. But the caraNa is worded like that. The meaning given by you is neither very convincing. I have pondered over this caraNa but could not come to any conclusion.
Thanks for pointing out the error.
V Govindan